Title: Finding Out the Ways of This World
Rating/Warning: NC-17/Sex, language, angst
Words: 22,570
Summary: Jensen ambles through L.A. life waiting for his break, a chance, notoriety. As he fails more and more, his mood continues on a steady decline as does his general way of life. Meeting Jared is a life-altering event, but he can't take advantage of the connection until he gets his life in order.
Notes: For
corbyinoz's GENEROUS
help_haiti donation. She asked for Jensen angst, left it at that. I happened upon
Jon McLaughlin's "The Middle" and fell in love with so many ideas that this thing just kind of happened. This story is borderline non-AU, I don't know the exact distinctions, so don't yell at me for not specifically tagging it one way or another.
Beta: Super big thanks to
timehasa_way for cheerleading and beta!
Part One *
Part Two *
Part Three *
Part Four Part Five *
Part Six *
Part Seven *
Part Eight