I just....wanted to smack them both upside the head and tell Sam to give his damn brother a man-hug. DO IT. Don't just stand there like a bump on a log.
THEN I would adopt Colin Ford and feed him cookies and hide him away so he would stay tiny and precious forever.
It's SO FUNNY but for the whole first half of this season, I used to cry for Dean to just 'hug your fucking brother already' and to forgive him for the Lucifer thing (hahah, thing, like it's a tiny little mistake). But now, I really, really want Sam to console him and whichever one of you said it on Twitter last night, you're so right: Lately it's all H and no C and that makes me sad. Though my angst-loving heart is thriving right now.
If you fed Colin cookies he wouldn't be tiny forever, he'd get fat and bloated.
I agree with what you said in a previous comment. Sam is emotionally retarded like Dean, he doesn't know what the hell to do. BUT STANDING THERE IS NOT THE ANSWER.
Also, DUH, in the magical world I hide him away in, he neither ages nor grows. All the cookies he wants!
Yeah, but he did the same when they first faced John and Mary in Song Remains the Same. These are people that he didn't even really know. Especially Mary. Yeah, it's his mom, but he was a wee baby when she died, there's no earthly way he has any sort of regard for her as an actual person with a face he knows other than in photos and the like. So it's hard to be connected to just the face when he doesn't know her. Dean's compassion and response to Mary is so strong because he DID have her to know and remember.
mainly the part I'm thinking of is the stanford scene. Dean's like, this is the worst memory EVAH....and Sam's like....sorry?
DUDE. Even though, on the other hand, Sam can only apologize so many times, and wanting to leave was not a bad thing. UGh. I think about these imaginary people way too much. They're such BOOOOYS. If this was a show about sisters, they'd have had this shit straightened out already.
I just....wanted to smack them both upside the head and tell Sam to give his damn brother a man-hug. DO IT. Don't just stand there like a bump on a log.
THEN I would adopt Colin Ford and feed him cookies and hide him away so he would stay tiny and precious forever.
If you fed Colin cookies he wouldn't be tiny forever, he'd get fat and bloated.
Also, DUH, in the magical world I hide him away in, he neither ages nor grows. All the cookies he wants!
Oh, well that makes perfect sense. :-P
DUDE. Even though, on the other hand, Sam can only apologize so many times, and wanting to leave was not a bad thing. UGh. I think about these imaginary people way too much. They're such BOOOOYS. If this was a show about sisters, they'd have had this shit straightened out already.
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