Title: Baby Come Around, Keep on Comin' Around
Rating: um, hard R, Light NC-17? Things of the sexual variety but not real graphic
Words: 3,200
Summary: After that one day in the bathroom, they only see each other at lunchtime. Jensen wants more.
Notes: Title from Marc Broussard's "Come Around." For
logans_mom00 who so lovingly donated through
help_haiti for fic. It's
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Comments 30
He reaches up to rub at the spot and hides a tiny smile. “It felt pretty good. If that’s any consolation.”
“Pretty big consolation,” Jared returns as he hands Jensen’s beer over and then he’s going back to the group.
I find that whole scene just unbearably hot, I LOVE hickeys!
I love that last paragraph SO MUCH, it's the perfect ending to this. I love Jared coming into Jensen's room (at night!) and I love Jensen thinking about Jared's different kisses, I like how that idea hints at new intimacy versus just NOWNOWNOW.
Thanks bb! I, too, like the last few sections where they actually talk, and try to figure it all out.
I really like how guy-ish your boys are and how much they suck at communication. They're harder to get/figure out than in a lot of J2 fic out there, and that makes it so interesting. It actually gets me excited to learn why they do what they do.
It sometimes bugs me when the boys are too schmoopy or just not realistically guyish in how they miscommunicate (or DON'T miscommunicate). In addition to it being a guy thing to do, people in general aren't that great at expressing issues and feelings. So thank you for acknowledging it here :-D
Wonderful job! thanks so much ♥
Excellent! Glad you liked the slow-build and the little touches, even when there's no blatant porn :-D
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