(no subject)

Feb 11, 2005 19:06

A couple things....

-it's hot in my room.
-it's freaking cold outside.
-but there's no snow, so it's okay.
-Matt is the best boyfriend ever and I am prepared to whore him out.
-I officially love my xanga-ers more than my livejournalers because they post and tell me how much they love me and the livejournalers do not. But that's okay.
-Josh gave me the nicest compliment ever the other day and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much and I was going to save the IM but my computer shut off on me for no reason and that stunk wicked bad.
-Josh is awesome. If you live in Tennessee and you're single, I'll give you his number (either sex).
-my hands smell like play-doh.
-my jeans smell like formula.
-I have a fun virus that likes to change my away message, so don't click on the link to look at the pictures from the beach because I don't HAVE any pictures from the beach. I'm not sure where it leads to, but it can't be anything good.
-it's looking like it's going to be another weekend without Matt because my back hurts and a three hour drive wouldn't make it feel better. And I wouldn't be comfortable when I was there, either. Oh well. He's hanging out with WPI-ers anyways. I'll just have to find another guy to spend the weekend with.
-I feel sick.
-my aunt says 'SERiously' a lot now because she wants to be me. And I don't blame her.
-the virus is actually gone now, but if you got it from me, which I apologize insane amounts for, let me know and I'll tell you how to get rid of it.
-everyone should have a cell phone. Especially when your car battery is about to die on the highway in the middle of a snow storm and you have a baby in the car.
-I raised my hand and talked in class today which was a HUGE deal because I've never, in my life, done that. I wanted to call my mother really badly because she's been waiting for me to talk in class since middle school. But I didn't, because that would've been dumb.
-Josh is straight.
-I might throw up. If I do, I'll let you know what it looks like. Because that's information that just NEEDS to be shared with everyone. Look forward to it.
-I didn't mean for that to follow Josh's being heterosexual. It just happened that way. That doesn't make me violently ill. *Insult deleted*
-Cory Feldman's a tool. A tool that should be locked in a shed. Forever.
-I haven't bought The Notebook yet and that's a wrong that needs to be righted. Ay ess ay pee.
-'Ay' is 'a'...yes? If not, I have a game to play. It's called Let's Pretend. Readysetgo.
-I have skipped lots of classes and it's time for me to buckle down and catch up on the homework. Okaybye:)
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