Aug 23, 2002 00:36
Ok, so last weekend and stuff we all roleplayed. It was fun, we had very few peeps, and this campaign is shaping up to be a 'do-whatever-the-hell-you-really-want-to-as-long-as-its-in-character' campaign.
As for school, it started today (well, Thursday technically), and my classes so fara look very promising. The medieval history course which I was afraid would have many long essays of difficulty turns out to be one very simple one. Good for that. Film to the 1940s looks interesting too, with some good stuff for me to absorb.
I was able to playtest my Neverwinter module, and it looks like it will work very well. I got Andrew and Anthony from 1st through to 4th level, and they aren't even done with it! Very good news. The bad news is, they would have to play it over in order to not have all the bugs and flaws in it that we discovered. ^_^
Today I traveled over to Circuit City for no reason at all, and stumbled upon an interesting find in the DVD section. 10 Kung-Fu movies on DVD for $15. How could I resist? I bought it. The list contains: Blind Fists of Bruce, Fist of Fear - Touch of Death, Kung Fu - The Punch of Death, 36 Crazy Fists, Legend of the Eight Samurai, The Street Fighter, Bloodfight, Breathing Fire, Blood of the Dragon, Shogun's Ninja.... and Downtown Boca Raton in Little Town Japan... well, mabye not the last one...
Okay, off to work on the module some more