Jul 16, 2003 22:16
1. Ever been so drunk you blacked out: nope
2. Missed school because it was raining: probably but i don't remember!!!
3. Put a body part on fire for amusement: no, not yet
4. Been hurt emotionally: yep yep
5. Kept a secret from everyone: haha i don't think so. except the ones ppl tell me not to say. but secrets about me, SOMEONE always knows
6. Had an imaginary friend when you were young: probably when i was little.
7. Wanted to hook up with a friend: yea (guy friend)
8. Had a crush on a teacher: EEK! no!
9. Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no, i don't c how they could be. O WAIT!!! *Nsync when they were on the Simpsons. yeah...hot!
10. Had a New Kids on the Block tape: no…
11. Ever tried a drug (not medicine) and enjoyed it: can’t say that I have
Shampoo: ummm..whatever my mom buys. so far i think Suave
Soap: hmm... the ones that smell yummy.
Color: lime geen and purple
Day/Night: doesn't really matter but...day
Fave cartoon: simpsons
Fave Food: ooo chinese food. almost nething but i LUV orange chicken
Fave Commercial: OMG! the Chili's baby back ribs when nsync did it. Poor Joey!
Fave Ice Cream: jamoca (coffee)
Fave 'normal' Drink: MOUNTAIN DEW! i think everyone knoes that one
Fave Song: OOO too many!!! lets c...most simple plan and JT songs.
Wearing: tank top and pj pants
Hair is: just down, straight
Eating: nuthing
Drinking: iced tea! (I know i know! not mountain dew! i haven't had that for like 1 month!)
Thinking about: cough volleyball cough (damn coach marie!)
Listening to: Good Charlotte
Cried: Ummm...yes!
Worn a skirt: yep
Met someone new: not in the last 24 hours
Cleaned your room: no, but should've
Done laundry: NO! last time i tried i like asked everyone 4 help!
Done something illegal: hmm… not yet. well i stole sumthing once but lol it was an accident
Yourself: ya, but after vball yesterday... kinda hard
Your friends: of course i do
Santa Claus: no! :( it was spoiled 4 me a while ago! but i have to make it seem like i do cuz my lil sis!
Tooth Fairy: no, but still like the $ i got
Destiny/Fate: of course
Angels: ya
Ghosts: OMG yes! spooky!
UFO's: yes
GOD: of course
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
Like anyone?: yes. (ppl who know, don't reply saying nething bout it plz, cuz LOTS of ppl don't knoe)
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: o lets c, emily, or no! Alexia. ya i think i've known alexia the longest.
Who's the loudest: right now? i dunno
Who do you go to for advice: uhm… haha friends, and sumtimes parents. there good 4 sum things. :)
Worst Feeling: eek! last night at vball. well i guess thats not the worst, but o well.
Guys -
||1|| Guitar or Drum Player - doesn't really matter. i guess guitar.
||2|| Skater or Surfer - um skater
||3|| Brown or Blue Eyes - psh! doesn't matter
||4|| Blonde or Brunette - if ur hott ur hott
||5|| Brains or Looks (Be honest!) - i guess brains, but hard to like a guy if they aren't the least bit hott
Girls -
||6|| Tease or Slut - wuh? lol
||7|| Blonde or Brunette - Blonde
||8|| Brown or Blue Eyes - either or
||9|| Boobs or Butt - psh :\ i dunno
||10|| Actress or Singer - singer, i guess
Food -
||11|| Hamburger or Hotdog - mmm... CHEESEburger
||12|| Pie or Cake - pie, i think. no cake! either!
||13|| Apple or Banana - lol banana
||14|| Coke or Pepsi - coke
||15|| Chicken or Beef - chicken
||16|| Oreos or Chips Ahoy - don't like chips ahoy, but oreo's have chocolate, so neither!
||17|| Pancakes or Waffles - waffles…but pancakes are nummy too
||18|| Chocolate or Vanilla - Chocolate is EVIL! so...vanilla
||19|| Strawberry or Cherry - strawberry
||20|| Watermelon or Cantaloupe - watermelon
||21|| Potato or Macaroni Salad - macaroni salad
||22|| Wheat or White - white
||23|| Tic Tacs or Altoids - tic tacs
||24|| Sausage or Bacon - sausage
||25|| Sour Cream and Chive or BBQ - BBQ...i think
Sports -
||26|| Baseball or Football - football
||27|| Swim or Track - hate running, and bad swimmer. wut the hay...swimming.
||28|| Tennis or Golf - tennis
||29|| Skiing or Sledding - skiing
||30|| Bicycling or Jogging - hate running! so bicycling
Stores/Restaurants -
||31|| McDonalds or Burger King - mc donalds
||32|| JC Penny's or Sears - jc penny’s
||33|| Walmart or Target - target
||34|| Trophy's or TGI Fridays - i dunno
||35|| Albertson's or Vons - Vons, i rarely go to Albertson’s
Clothes -
||36|| Pants or Shorts - pants
||36|| Zip-Up or Pull-Over Sweatshirt - pull-over
||37|| Sandals or Tennis Shoes - sandals
||38|| Dresses or Skirts - skirts
||40|| Print or Solid - either
Names -
||41|| Bob or Bill - bob
||42|| Jessica or Jennifer - Jessica
||43|| Aaron or Erin - Erin
||44|| Carrie or Kari - Kari. (i luv u karie!!! close enough)
||45|| Todd or Tom - Tom. bad experice with a guy named todd (i hate him. annoying!!!) cough gay cough
||46|| Lynn or Lee - Lynn
||47|| Sarah or Susie - Sarah. Luv u sarah!
||48|| Jack or John - John..i think
||49|| Lisa or Linda - Lisa
||50|| Matt or Nick - Matt
Music -
||51|| Punk or Rock - Rock
||52|| Country or Bubble Gum Pop - ugh i hate country, so bubble gum pop
||53|| Rap or Techno - neither!
||54|| Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera - Christina
||55|| *N Sync or Backstreet Boys - OMG *Nsync!!!!!
||56|| Korn or Staind - neither
||57|| Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park - linkin park
||58|| Guitar or Drums - guitar
||59|| Piano or Violin - piano
||60|| CDs or Radio - depends… if there’s nothing good on the FMs then you listen to CDs
TV -
||61|| Dawson's Creek or 7th Heaven - 7th heaven
||62|| Angel or Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Buffy
||63|| Law and Order or The Practice - haven't seen either on them
||64|| Spy TV or Candid Camera - spy tv
||65|| Smallville or Charmed - Charmed
Cinema -
||66|| Bruce Willis or Kevin Costner - i 4get who kevin costner is right now so ill go with bruce willis.
||67|| Jennifer Love Hewitt or Neve Campbell - Jennifer Luv Hewitt
||68|| Aladdin or Lion King - lion king
||69|| Snow White or Sleeping Beauty - Snow White
||70|| Comedy or Drama - ooo both!
||71|| Horror or Science Fiction - horror (but i get SO freaked)
||72|| Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer - I know what u did last summer
||73|| Not Another Teen Movie or Scary Movie - scary movie
||74|| Titanic or Pearl Harbor- omg pearl harbor. Ben Affleck and josh hartnet (i can't spell that) R SOOOOO hot!!!
||75|| The Mask or Ace Ventura - i don't think ive seen all of ace ventura so i'd have to say the mask
Computer/Video Games -
||76|| AOL or MSN - AOL (i don't have either. hehe)
||77|| Dogpile or Google - ?
||78|| Mac or PC - PC
||79|| PS2 or N64 - PS2
||80|| Mario Brothers or Zelda - Mario Brothers
School -
||81|| Pen or Pencil - pen
||82|| English or History - english
||83|| Math or Science - math
||84|| Home Economics or Woodshop - they’re both cool but we don’t have those at ND…
||85|| Backpack or Messenger Bag - Backpack
Animals -
||86|| Cat or Dog - Doggy
||87|| Fish or Hamster - ummm we've had hamsters and i think im done with them, and i don't want fish so neither.
||88|| Tiger or Lion - tiger
||89|| Butterfly or Lady Bug - OMG they both scare me!
||90|| Seals or Otters - can't tell the diff.
Products -
||91|| Tide or Gain - i don't wash clothes. but i'd say tide cuz its kooler
||92|| Herbal Essences or Suave - suave
||93|| Dove or Irish Spring - dove
||94|| A-JAX or 409 - 409
||95|| Crest or Colgate - Colgate
Other -
||96|| John Saul or Steven King - Steven King
||97|| Chocolate or Roses - CHOCOLATE IS EVIL!(x-cept 4 cookies from ND) so roses!
||98|| Toyota or Ford - Toyota
||99|| Paper or Plastic - doesn't really matter
||100|| Necklace or Bracelet - both