May 15, 2003 15:17
I have done so little updating and so little live journal stuff that i feel like apologising. My excuse is that i am on NTL and NTL obviously believes that live journal and its goat are infact the number of the beast (or something) just trying to get access to the site requires patience and many clicks on refresh buttons etc.
Of course it may just be that my heart isn't entirely in it
I feel quite shocked, of course, by the idea that after all this procrastination, an adult i shall have to be. I have one week more of lecutres, 3 exams, 3 essays and one presentation to go. Less than a month then myself, and my two brothers are off to look for jobs and live sensible lives.
I fear I can't do that.
Thoese of you who don't live in Manchester will probabley not know that i intend to move to London in July. Nowhere permenant to live as of yet but hopefully that will come one other people join me. It is a shame that semas uninclined to join us, that would have been sweet. I am compensated by the thought that both and Uli also intend to join me. Though between you and me, i hope Uli is going for the right reasons, i think she is anyways. Incindentaly i intend to make no official announcments on the state of play in that regard. You all know the score.