Jan 24, 2003 01:09
Anybody able to stomach that horendous film advert anti-euro thingy? (in the UK)
now i knows that not everyone is as rabiddly pro-euro as i can be sometimes (i'm just to much of a euro background guy) but still one must wonder about by an advert that has bob geldof saying being anti-euro is not anti europe then followed by a segway to hitler shouting yah to the euro. Indeed the whole advert presents not one rational argument (and believe me there are many) but instead is pure rationaliasation, emotion grabbing crass bullocks and pure lies (we have already direct lost democratic control of our currency bob) that makes me wonder why all these b-list celebrities want to descend british politics to an even baser level than it is already. The day of negative campaigning is coming closer me comrades. VIVA EL REVOLUTION
I think it is time for me to return to that fidel castro look for a couple weeks. Any body got one of those military hats.
I have finally got new shoes so i don't have to wear my goth look all the time. I still might insist upon it. I suggested turing up to work in full gear make up and all. (I know that i never do that anyway and need new clothes to do it but heck i inten to get them) The reaction was suitably gratifaying but its not worth it, they get the idea, its cheap to confront them and they are nice enough people and all. Still one of my work mates is a homophobe of the "i'm fine with it as long as they don't do it around me variety". Infact the number of people who are like that is huge i suspect (either that or they all congregate around me) so i still get tempted. Just me trying to be the teenager i ne'er was i guess (again).
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