Counting Coup

Apr 06, 2008 06:03

Some of the Native American tribes used to "count coup" against their enemies, an action where one rides up (or otherwise approaches) one's enemy and taps them on the forehead before retreating back. A warrior's braveness, in part, could be proven by how many times he had counted coup against his enemy, that is, before lopping his enemy's head off.

Well - apparently our neighbors have taken "crazy" to this whole new level. It is now 6 a.m. I have been up ALL night...not one wink of sleep...because of the psychotic norman-bates neighbors next door.

They were at it again tonight. I banged on the wall at 1 a.m. again - universal sign of "please shut up", and they proceeded by raising the MOST horrible ruckus all night. James & I held off though - we did NOT call security. We wanted someone else to call security on them so that management would be more willing to take action.

Well - at 4:30 a.m. - as James and I were sitting up in the living room deciding if we should break down and call security or not - all of a sudden someone BANGED LOUDLY ON OUR DOOR AND THEN RAN AWAY!!!!!  Of course, it could be NO ONE else but our crazy neighbors - counting coup - you know, before they lop our heads off.

I have to admit - I'm a little bit scared now. These people are obviously nuts, and there's no telling what they will do. I think they may actually pose a real threat to us. What am I to do? Can I leave my front door? It's all very scary - not knowing.

One thing is for sure...since we were up anyway, we wrote another letter to the apartment management saying that if our neighbors continue to threaten us in this way, we will be forced to call the COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT on them.  And we will.

If there's one thing I've learned in life from all the crazy people I've ever known in life (more than I'd care to remember) - it's that you don't f* around with crazy people. You have to let them know you mean business.

Hopefully, this latest letter will help us. God knows I don't want to be shot or stabbed coming out of my apartment!!!

Oy, but I've gotta get a job AWAY from this place so we can MOVE!! 
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