Jan 26, 2004 18:41
Did I miss something? When did being called liberal become a bad thing? The word has been politicised to the point where it doesn't really mean anything anymore as far as I can tell, or if it does it now has nothing to do with the actual meaning (read: dictionary definition) of the term. that being:
"a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties"
How could that ever be bad? Or at least wholly bad?
Here's how it seems to go:
republican: (slanderously and engaging in name-calling) your opinion is opposed to mine on this issue. You're being liberal.
democrat: (knee-jerk defensiveness) what!? I'm not liberal! I suppose I should moderate my stance then. etc etc.
Now, does the democrat even know what liberalism is? Or has it become a knee-jerk reaction to deny anything the party in power says as slander just because "it must be bad since they said it this way."
As a word, liberal has become demonized and politicised to the point of being worthless (at least its use within government - academically I'm sure it's still used properly).
It reminds me of communism and socialism, really. Especially communism - it became so much more than a political and economic system to some people in this country, something bad. But it is, after all, only an idea. And ideas and words can never be inherently evil, can they?
There is a reason though, isn't there? Anyone who now identifies as liberal has effectively had their voice silenced, simply by shoving them into a prepackaged category that's been discounted. I've noticed it with socialism as well - that being that it's inherently evil because it attempts to take some of your precious money away and give it, in part, to everyone. The horror. Hasn't anyone noticed that other countries are socialist and it works quite well for many of them?
Couldn't communists has contributed to this country too at some point, had they not been vilified?
Politics. Sheesh.
and don't even get me started on the idea of being anti-war as commiting treason.