Oct 19, 2014 11:18
I have started to spend the work insurance.
Had my first appointment last Monday and finished out the week with an ultrasound on both my legs. This week brings blood draws and a call to the cardiologist.
I have high blood pressure and the valves in the small veins of my legs aren't working well. (I have valves in my legs, who knew?) So far I have prescriptions for two meds. Who knows how many I will have by christmas.
I went to the doctor because I haven't been feeling at all well. About three-ish years ago during a bout of depression I kinda gave up on my health care, stopped getting heart check ups, stopped the weight watchers, and once stopped it was pretty damn hard to get started again. Over the past year I started notice get an increase in angina, to the point where some weeks it was a daily occurrence. I began to feel worn out halfway through the walk to work, my weight is pretty much where it was five years ago, pre heart attack.
About the time I started to have little freak outs at bed time, my mind worrying that should I close my eyes, I might not awake come morning, I decided to make the call.
That has made a huge difference in my day. Even though I don't know where I stand as far as my ultimate diagnosis and resulting treatment goes, just taking the steps to improve my health has been a boost to my outlook.
There are changes at work that contribute to my improved morale but that's a different post.
heart attack,