I wore my snow boots into work as they are the most waterproof footwear I own. My feet aren't soaked but are partially immobilized and heavy. My rain pants are starting to reflect my own personal humidity and that's a little uncomfortable.
At five thirty it is very dark so the wash bay I jokingly refer to as mine is useless. The only light in the space is mounted high in a corner and partially blocked by a large wedge used this summer during the Dog Days event and stuffed up there afterwards. The next two and a half hours are going to be spent loitering andr looking busy on the off chance somebody actually walks all the way back here. I will be outdoors or in my unheated tin wash tunnel during this time.
The water on the cars has officially frozen now. I do not want to be out in this weather. I should not be out in this weather, I am older and I did have a heart attack not all that long ago.
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