(no subject)

Oct 15, 2006 20:22

In which Michael Zimmer and I talk about a Full House spin off.

wetakeszemoney: hey dude
LaddyinClouds: I just sent in my butt-numn-a-thon 8 application
LaddyinClouds: *numb
wetakeszemoney: oh man
wetakeszemoney: where is that?'
LaddyinClouds: at the alamo drafthouse in austin
LaddyinClouds: in december
wetakeszemoney: hmm
wetakeszemoney: sounds good
wetakeszemoney: i'm watching mallrats
LaddyinClouds: atta babe
wetakeszemoney: and i realized some of the dialogue is so ridiculous
wetakeszemoney: especially for TS
wetakeszemoney: and his delivery
wetakeszemoney: it's kind of bad
LaddyinClouds: haha
wetakeszemoney: but dude
wetakeszemoney: i came up with an idea for a great tv pilot
wetakeszemoney: ok
wetakeszemoney: so it's a mall security guard
wetakeszemoney: ON ROLLER SKATES
LaddyinClouds: hahaha
wetakeszemoney: maybe just for like one season
LaddyinClouds: just footage of him trying not to fall for twenty minutes
LaddyinClouds: yeah, that'd be a good spin off
wetakeszemoney: of mallrats
wetakeszemoney: ?
wetakeszemoney: cause i came up with this the other night
LaddyinClouds: No, of some better show
wetakeszemoney: without thinking about it
wetakeszemoney: oh
wetakeszemoney: ok
wetakeszemoney: hmm
wetakeszemoney: like
wetakeszemoney: full house?
LaddyinClouds: yes
wetakeszemoney: uncle joey's new job?
wetakeszemoney: he needs work
LaddyinClouds: yes he does
LaddyinClouds: that's the title
LaddyinClouds: "uncle joey's new job"
wetakeszemoney: "He Needs Work!"
wetakeszemoney: oh
LaddyinClouds: Hahah
wetakeszemoney: that's good too
LaddyinClouds: or that
wetakeszemoney: i'll have my people contact his people
LaddyinClouds: he brings back out that beaver puppet every episode
wetakeszemoney: oh god
wetakeszemoney: and the popeye impressions
LaddyinClouds: Yeah
LaddyinClouds: and full house allumni come back every now and then
LaddyinClouds: like when the cast of cheers shows up on frasier
wetakeszemoney: right
wetakeszemoney: like joey busts mary kate for coke
wetakeszemoney: and stamos is an ER doctor now who shows up in an ambulance
wetakeszemoney: and bob saget shows up with his new game show doing a show in the mall like mallrats
LaddyinClouds: Yes
LaddyinClouds: DJ becoems the mall manager
LaddyinClouds: Kimmy shows up and falls down the escalator like twice
wetakeszemoney: and stephanie is homeless
LaddyinClouds: Comet's fucking dead
wetakeszemoney: living outside
LaddyinClouds: hahah
wetakeszemoney: and the twins are gay
LaddyinClouds: turning tricks
LaddyinClouds: mm hm
wetakeszemoney: like stamos' kids
LaddyinClouds: yeah
wetakeszemoney: those twins
wetakeszemoney: and steve is now dj's abusive husband
wetakeszemoney: who's always drunk and does maintenence for the mall
LaddyinClouds: do you think the olsens were pissed when those boys got to play two different characters
LaddyinClouds: yeah
wetakeszemoney: no dude
wetakeszemoney: one could be on stage while the other did coke in the playhouse
wetakeszemoney: /managed their clothing line
LaddyinClouds: right
LaddyinClouds: doing lines off the "to grandmother's house we go" script
wetakeszemoney: right
LaddyinClouds: "Jesus, what the f- are you snorting coke??!!"
LaddyinClouds: "I'm sowwy!"
wetakeszemoney: "aww"
wetakeszemoney: "you got it dude!"
LaddyinClouds: Hhahah
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