Mar 05, 2005 23:02
Current Clothes: black combaty trousers with zips, fake shirt t-shirt thing, underwear
Current Mood: kinda happy kinda blahhh...
Current Taste: taste of mouth?
Current Make-Up: none
Current Hair Style: well conditioned so its quite bouffante, haha
Current Annoyance: music stopped playing..(goes to put it on again)
Current Smell: dont know.. nose is blocked. Im ill. Again
Current Thing You SHOULD be Doing: art(but thats meant to be constant..grr)
Current Desktop Picture: billie joe
Current Book: lol alice in wonderland, its just i saw the cartoon for the first time in ages the other day and was like wow, so trippy
Current CD in Player: subliminal verses- Slipknot
Current DVD in Player: DARIA!! is it fall yet?
- -this/or/that- -
Rock/Rap: Rock
Pop/Rap: meh
Rap/R & B: ? rap i guess
Rock/Metal: hmm metal cos sometimes rock is like crappy dad music
Pop/Rock: Rock
Linkin Park/Limp Bizkit: equal
Tool/Korn: Tool
Pink/Jennifer Lopez: pink
Hot/Cold: hot
Winter/Summer: summer
Spring/Fall: autumn
Shakira/Britney Spears: Britney!
ICP/Eminem: ICP i think i liked one of their songs..
Marilyn Manson/Rob Zombie: dont really know rob zombie...
Black/White: Black
Orange/Red: Red
Yellow/Green: green has to be dark green thou
Purple/Pink: PURPLE
Slipknot/Mudvayne: Slipknot
Inside/Outside: what kind of choice is that!
Weed/Alcohol: vodka with sumthin
Cell Phone/Pager: mobile
Pen/Pencil: oil bar
Powerpuff Girls/Charlies Angels: Powerpuff Girls!
Scooby Doo/Dino: Dino!
Pink/Gwen: Gwen Stefani- just a legend
Tattoo/Piercing: Piercing
Prep/Punk: Punk
Slut/Whore: whore cos they get paid..? ha
- -the/last/questions- -
How many people have you kissed?: afew..
How many hearts have you broken?: don't think i have
How many people have broken your heart?: not been there yet..
Do you pick people by their looks / personality? well i think a bit of both but personality is more important. way more important actually
Have you ever kissed one of your friends (JUST a friend)?: yeah
GIRL friends: uh...
Are you a vegetarian?: yes
[a]ge: 17
[b]estfriends: alison, danny, cat
[c]hoice of meat: fake
[d]ream date: spiderman heehee
[e]xciting adventure: disney land?
[f]avorite food: peanut butter and jam on toast
[g]reatest accomplishment: um i have swimming medals.. oh and brownie badges!
[h]appiest day of your life: cant pick one day!
[i]nterests: drawing, art, music, violin, cat, dog, philosophy, movies
[j]ello: no jelly
[k]ool aid: yes i would try it
[l]ove: its a bugger
[m]ost valued: object? mp3 player cos its new for my bday, people? lots
[n]ame: gillian d
[o]utfit you wore to school today: its saturday..
[p]izza topping: mushroom
[q]uestion most asked: why werent u in maths/french?
[r]adio station: radio 1. its the best
[s]port: golf. no seriously
[t]elevision show: daria or everybody loves raymond in the morning
[u]r favorite song: sixpence none the richer- kiss me, or bjork- hyper ballad. (this catagory is subject to change)
[w]here you live: kkk clarkston
[x]-rated: what is?
[y]ear born: 1988
[z]odiac sign: Pisces