im pretty sure its written on a form somewhere that i have organisational skills

Feb 14, 2005 15:18

''Jesus fuking H Christ''

yes that was not me

well see i was thinkin of going to t in the park because theres quite a sooper dooper line up.

i know 1 person that wants to go.... thats all plus i don't really have anytime at all to ORGANISE anyone else because there are 9% of tickets left. feckin nine! Im just one of the dumbass teenagers thats just doesnt organise till the last minute. (yeah and ur all gonna buy up the last ones now haha and i don't have one..)

yeah so its monday and i thought id be good and go to school, catch up with my art stuff, do my philosophy nab oh yeah, apply to art school. but no.. didnt work! its a holiday valentines day too. so didnt get any of that done now im at home by myselftrying to organise t in the park but at the same time remebering that it might infact be better just to go to donington with Danny. Also i had 3 missed calls from a private number. Who was that? i hate private numbers. i cant call back you diddy!, yes i just wrote diddy. So i called alot of people but no one was in because they are out in the sunshine. Even mt dog isnt here! the lizzie Mcguire movie is also on downstairs, infact its probably finished, what a stupid plotline; lizzie is supposed to a 'dork', yeah sure she is lookin like that. ok so she falls all the time bit deal but the stupid thing is she is prettier than the popular girl. no im not the shallow one, its very obvious. then she randomly meets the super popstar guy oh yeah because she looks like his female singing partner? pff

I'v lost you, haven't I?
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