Sep 17, 2006 21:51
Second week of school is done. And the homework starts to pile up. I am not stressed yet but ask me in a few days I will be. So far so good. I am enjoying this year a lot more. I got sick this weekend. Ahh it sucks, I got what alexa had. Hopefully Ill feel better this week because it would be so embarssing coughing a shit load in classes. I bought new stuff for my room, its soo adorable. Also I bought greys anatomy the second season, which i watched a shit load this weekend, and I am not even half done. The third season starts on thursday I am so fucking excited. What else did I buy? lol some clothes and shit from bath and body works. Allison and i went on a shopping spree on friday and saturday. Today we headed out to South Haven to chill on the beach. OMG it was awesome. Layed out on the beach just relaxing. The water was so beautiful and it was a peaceful day.We walked around the little town and just enjoyed getting out of the apartment and kalamazoo for a bit. Right now I am taking a break from homework that I literally put off all last week and this weekend. Im paying for it now. Not a good start if I dont want to be a procrastinator this year. Sometimes I think I do better underpressure but I get all stressed out. So the next time I will be home for sure is the twins 21st birthday which is going to be soo much fun. They got a party bus and shit load of us are going to be bar hoping. I have some of their gifts in the works. But i need to get going.
love you all bitches