..*So excited and I just can't hide it..lol*..

May 23, 2004 00:56

Yo` what's craka lakin..haha
I haven't updated in forever..lol..well where do i begin..
I'll start with Saturday the 15th..i think!
The movie was good..there were only 3 other ppl in there besides me and Britt which was funny..
before the movie we went to the Huddle House to eat..and we had Gravy And Biscuits..which was YUMMY!!..we ate it in 3 minutes so we still had 27 minutes to do....absolutely NOTHIN*..so we walked to Peebles..they have some cute summer clothes..anyways..we got our ticket and went in..like i said the movie was good..and it was short..it only lasted an hour and a half..i told my mom to come get us at 9:30 but the movie ended at 8:30..so me and Britt walked to K-mart to call yea..weird i know..but they werent home..so we walked back over and sat outside and waited for a few..and then i realized *i have to pee*..haha..so we walked back to the Huddle house straight back to the bathroom and straight out..it seemed like a movie becuz the clanging of dishes and the water sprayin with old country music..lol
finally my mom and dad..oh and steven came to get us..i went home and slept..whoo..
Sunday.*don't remember*
*don't remember the rest of that week..but somewhere in there me and Josh broke up again*
Wednesday the 19th..dave's b-day..just thought i would put that..haha
Friday..Kari had a play..it was soo good...!!
i went with the drama ppl to the after party at the bowling alley..it was fun..but i was wearing a skirt..so i couldn't bowl..haha
and then it hit me..(no not the bowling ball)
i realized that i liked someone..i don't know..it was freaky..then kari read my mind and looked at me and said..you like *HIM* i was like UHHH>.that was weird..haha..she does this everytime i like someone..we spend WAY to much time together..lol
today..i went to a car show in clinchco..or however you spell it..it was soo freakin hott!..we and steven sat in the shade and watched the ppl walk by..it was fun..HA..then we got in Dustins(my dad's friend)jeep..and went to look at *another* mustang..this is a 71 mach 1..i phink..who knows..hahahha
\\ANYWAYS. ohh it was also Tasha's birthday..LOVE YOU!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!//
This is the last week of school...it's kinda sad ..cause the seniors are leaving but it's also good..well cuz..NO MORE SCHOOl..lol. and the 8th graders will be up there..whoo..torture..haha..just playing..
Friday is the street dance..i am so so excited..
Molly Bobbie Jo and Sydney are coming up to get ready..yay..
i am trying to find a camo skirt..i am gonna wear it with a pink halter..maybe..who knows..
if i can find one..if ya'll know where one is..size 9..tell me!!..please!!
well..that's all i have..
Love You all..
Here are some lyrics to one of my new favorite songs..i just think its soo pretty..lol

On a Monday I am waiting
On Tuesday I am fading
And By Wednesday I can’t sleep
When the phone rings I hear you
And the darkness is a clear view
I see you’ve come to rescue me

Fall, with you I fall so fast
I can hardly catch my breath
I hope it lasts

It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It’s as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

I am rurally and messy
I get restless and it’s senseless
And you never seem to care
When I’m angry you listen
When you’re happy it’s a mission
And I won’t stop till I’m there

Fall, sometimes I fall so fast
Well I hit that far don’t crash
You’re all I have

It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It’s as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

How do you know?
Everything I’m about to say
Am I that obvious?
And if it’s written on my face
I hope it never goes away

On a Monday I am waiting
By Tuesday I am fading
Into your arms
So I can breathe

It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It’s as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

i hope that worked..lol


Kari Sue Thank You so so much for doing my journal..it's so purdy!!..you do so good at this..
welp i love you
see you tomar!!!
Tiffany Jae!*
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