Sep 21, 2004 23:22
two updates in one day......what can i say? ive had some time on my hands.
my day consisted of:
830 alarm clock aka kitty cat
wrote for an hour
listened to the shins
watched billy elliot
wrote on the ol' typewriter
listened to elvis, division of laura lee, cadallaca, the spells
took a cat nap, literally, with kitty
woke up, ate some food, chips and salsa
drank shit loads of water
cleaned the house from top to bottom
peed like 25 times as per usual
craved lots of different kinds of fruit that i cant afford
shared arling and cameron with jess and nicky
it is currently 1130 and i am waiting for my roommates return
will go bike riding
will go diner visiting
will drink coffee
possibly go buy some fruit from larrys market
will finish heart painting for shayna dear
will write what i started this morning