Tesla's told him it's a tropical island and they're trapped and that's enough for Declan; it's not Carentan, but something like, and he's going to keep poking at it until he's cracked it. Magnus and Will haven't done it yet after a year and while that should be discouraging, Declan's not willing to give up. Not yet. Not now. He's going to get
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"Missed having someone talking sense, that's for damned sure."
He's seen Kate in action and knows, if there's a quick fix, she'd have already busted off this island. There's no quick fix if she's still sitting there in front of him but together, they'll be unstoppable.
She pats the stool next to her. "C'mere and tell me about it. I'll get you a drink."
"Suppose you don't remember crashing a jeep into a time dilation field, then?"
She tips her chin to the bartender and gets a drink for him and another for her, and then it dawns on her. He knows. He knows what happened to Will. "I want to hear everything, I want to know everything, about it. But I have to ask you something first. Did she cure him, Magnus, did she cure Will from the Cillobar spores?"
"Been worried, I guess? Magnus is more brilliant than all of that, I promise."
"I was bringing him dinner, and I walked right into his bedroom here. It was like Mumbai all over again, watching Ravi put him down..." Kate's babbling, admitting things to Declan she wouldn't say to Will or Magnus, or god forbid Tesla. "How long since then?" she asks, lifting her head without stepping back. "What did I miss?"
"We figured it was some sort of time dilation bubble, some way time slows in Carentan while it's the same outside, and you and I were trying to get them out. Not sure if we managed."
She takes a step back, shaking out her hair and hands him a drink. When she sits again, she pulls her stool close to his. "I suck at this whole 'welcome to the island' thing. I don't even believe in it most of the time. But you being here, that's good. You and me, we can fix this. With Tesla. Even if Magnus and Will drank the kool-aid."
It doesn't bother him, Magnus and Zimmerman together, but it's damned odd considering he's used to her being hung up on Druitt.
"And you and I make a good team. I knew that back when Will and his bird got in a bind on date night and Carentan cemented it."
Kate puts her feet on his stool, as comfortable with him as she would be with Hank or Will. "I didn't tell her about Abby. She seems so...happy. I don't want to hurt her or cause trouble for Will."
"Best to sit on that, it's a different Magnus and Will."
Normally, she figures he'd rather talk to Will or Hank, but she's who he's got, since by now Will's probably got his face buried in Magnus's... yeah, not even going there.
"I wanted to figure it out, rescue them. I think we were close to doing it, actually, and then I ended up here. It...frustrated isn't strong enough a word for how I feel."
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