so who wont deny that the belly button butt smell is undeniable?
- i didnt just type that.
so the fact that i ran over a MOTHER FUCKING tree in my sisters car, while she was getting her teeth pulled in mexico because it is like 5000 dollars cheaper, and then everyone freaked out while katie is the only one in the back yelling """YEAHHH!!!!!!! DO ANOTHER! FUCK YEAH!" i hear trevors voice....
"dani calm down, are you drunk- slow down dani".
the thing is, i was completely sober. twas my dangerous rush. and i am sorry.
what can i say? some people like my driving some people dont.
i cut my hair. and i look like a boy.
the OCTO-PUSS is long gone. and i shall revive it someday.
you know whats sad but makes me think and smile sorta kinda,this:
ud (11:45:13 PM): you are a crazy, but reserved artist who is love sick but forever hopeful
ud (11:45:18 PM): friends mean everything to you
ud (11:45:43 PM): you are willing to do anything for one of them
ud (11:46:17 PM): you are uncertain of yourself
ud (11:46:59 PM): sometimes you need reassurance that you are as wonderful as you are
ja (11:48:18 PM): oh wow.
ja (11:48:29 PM): you werent even like "umm thats hard"
that is someone i met over myspace. yeah- that is right, "met". he is wonderful. and he fucking described me, as you just read, when i asked him to for fun.
i bet half the people that do "know" me- couldnt do that.
could you?
katie, i had the best snuggle with you and fun with you that night.
HEIL the jew (11:27:38 PM): IN ONE OF THOSE PICTURES
duelmeyouninja (11:27:58 PM): thats josh
duelmeyouninja (11:28:02 PM): DO NTO WORRY ABOUT THAT
HEIL the jew (11:28:04 PM): fuck that guy
........>this is the picture eric silva is upset about>
why is becky always complimenting me. she shouldnt do that. i like that girl. she falls inmy stomach like a good heart feels to my chest.
now these two....
i just have a love for them like we share blood.
which reminds me, julie looks like "a squirrel with a nut on the side of her cheek". and i love it.
i love my sister.
let us just say that in that can of canada dry two people stand imprisoned like my slaves. those two, i just have this sincere connection and love for. dont try to take it away. it's justin&brittany.
now my back- simply hurts.
and i havent slept well.
i have pictures to post and not the desire to further this tonight.
sorry i cut so short.
that is me, looking- trying to catch a glimpse of a weiner when someone pees.