Jan 09, 2009 07:20
I had my ultrasound done yesterday, it was so cool, its a girl :) :) :) I couldn't be happier, its such a wonderfull thing to see her in their all squirmy like, and she was sitting like she was in a chair all relaxed and feet crossed. She put her ears over her head when the lady did a hearing test and the gave us the finger when she pushed on my stomache, it was all so cute, her face is addorable the cutest feet, OMG it was just amazing and im so excited, this was an unplanned preg but hey its ok we have a lil girl and its so real now we can call her heidi and I can talk to her using her name and buy things for her omg is great im so happy, I know how all the other mommys feel now. It makes me teary eyed to think about my princess in their and I can't wait to welcome her into the world and hold her in my arms. My cat and dog are excited too and the husband of course..