Turned out much longer than I had planned:)

Jan 11, 2008 09:50

I've been keeping myself busy by doing crafts and cleaning up the house. Monday I was just in a productive mood, I guess. It has slowly tapered off to today, but I have managed to:
Clean both bathrooms (although not the tub, I didn't have a scrubby brush but we picked that up Wed. night)
The bathroom downstairs was a chore because there was kitty litter dust over... everything? It was gross. But neither of us really know where to put the cat box without making a stink and mess:/
Clean the kitchen (I do this daily because it is methodical and I enjoy seeing counter space)
Take down the tree and pack away the ornaments
Replace the face-plates for our light switches. Bryan made the entire house wireless, but they've been sitting without faceplates for months-.- That really got to me, so he bought face plates for me:) I still have 6 left to do, but the store had no more in stock and none in stock for the double switches.
Sweep. I'd like a mop, although I suppose I could just get on my hands and knees. *shrugs*
Iron B's nice work shirts and put away all of my clothes (he decided that a dresser with both our clothes was too confusing -all of his stuff was on the left, but whatever- so he took everything out and put it on the floor... and it sat, and sat. His stuff is still there for him to put in the other dresser.
Cleaned mirrors and windows.

AND amidst all that, my Swarovski beads came in! Here are the 4 sets I have made so far:

I'm rather pleased with how most turned out. I made the blue ones first, and saw these bright pink beads in my jumbled collection so I had to use those. Then I made the peridot ones, and wanted to use some of my rock chips, but these didn't turn out like I had envisioned in my mind:/ I wanted more dangles but the rock chips were too big so midway through I gave up on that. Then I made the pink ones. I had these mini star beads and I have lots of leftover pearls, so I wanted to incorporate that in. I didn't mean to make the fringe entirely white, but after I had done 2 "outties" I had forgotten to add in the other colors, haha. Today I finished making the dark green ones. I think they're rather Christmassy, and I'm calling them "Holly." See, I've made my own designs, lol.

I can't wait for my other beads to come in - then I can start on my choker! I am making it to me a light purple with flecks of dark purple. The blue ice idea got scrapped when I saw a good price for the purple ones, lol.

I should make more necklaces because I have lots of pearls left and many loose pendants. Any special requests? lol

Otherwise I took a break on my cross-stitch. I'd like to start up again today because I keep putting it on hiatus.

I have completed much more since I took that picture, but I'm lazy to take another one. When it is complete, maybe:) I am making that as a gift for Bryan's mom because she likes Precious Moments.

Still to do:
Hang up items on wall (We've been moved in how long and I still don't feel "at home" without my items up:/ But I have to wait to buy those 3M wall hangers because B refuses to use nails on the wall.)
Remove that decal in the bathroom. I used to like it, but after finding out it wasn't handpainted, and just a decal, I didn't like it anymore, heh.
Save Mr. Toad. Maybe. He's managed to survive in the storm well, probably hiding under leaves and paper, but he can't get out because it is about a 5 foot drop (okay, maybe 4 feet, but still, he can't jump that!). Bryan isn't for the idea- he thinks I will hurt myself or something. This week I also noticed somebody's garbage can fell into there. Not sure whose it is. We also have a watering pail outside our lawn that has been there since summer. I'm tempted to just take them, but I know they're not ours... yet nobody is claiming them and they're in our yard-.-

I feel like there is more to do yet I can't think of it.

My school also never sent out my final grades. Do they just assume I can go online and look at so not waste the paper? I like having the printed paper from them. It is more formal. Next semester I am afraid of burning out. Classes 8am-3pm M-F. One of my classes requires 8 books. Wtf? I'm thinking about renting them from the library because they are all novels, not textbooks per se, but then that means I can't make my own notes in them. And then reviewing them for tests and such... bleh. One of them is the Great Gatsby, though! I've read that before, and still own it:) We're also reading the Crying of Lot 49, which I am greatly anticipating....

Oh, Bryan got his guitar. I wish he'd play it more, but at the same time, the few hours he is home I want him around me, paying attention to me, lol. Is that what they call a Catch-22?

The cats have gone on a diet. Reading about obesity in cats causing health problems was enough to make me take them off their free-range diet and put them on a 2-meal a day plan. They were fussy at first, but now they seem to have settled into the routine. Slinky hasn't thrown up the past few days, either! I am freakishly thinking they have gotten bigger, though. I'll have to see it out:)

I'd like to do a garden this spring, but seeing as school will be constant, I don't think I can do that:( Seeing B even less. I hate school for that. I'd be okay working at the grocery store my entire life if it meant no long breaks from B:) But he says I must get my degree, heh.

house, school, jewelry

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