Jun 25, 2013 21:27

1. LIVEJOURNAL CHANGED THE HOMEPAGE!!!!!! Everyone in the comments on the post announcing it is FUCKING FURIOUS but a) I legit don't remember what it looked like yesterday and b) it seems like if anything, they've made it better by moving useful shit up top and pushing the "JOIN THIS COMMUNITY ABOUT DOCTOR WHO OR WHATEVER" garbage down so it's half below the fold. The homepage is fucking useless anyway?

2. Bad Machinery, you guys. BAD. MACHINERY. The newest chapter is literally SIX STRIPS IN and I've already experienced more emotion than I have over some entire seasons of television.

Here is the thing about Bad Machinery: When the series started, the main cast - three girls (Shauna, Charlotte, and Mildred) and three boys (Linton, Jack, and Sonny) - were all starting at grammar school, WHICH, I BELIEVE, made them all eleven-year-old sixth graders. The first three cases (BECAUSE THEY SOLVE MYSTERIES) covered that school year and the following summer. The following three cases covered another year and summer. And now they're back in school and it's EIGHTH GRADE and I don't think anything has ever needed so little space or time to evoke EXACTLY how it feels to be that age, to be growing up and figuring out who you want to be but feeling less certain of where you stand, because your friends are changing too and SO MUCH IS HAPPENING TO ALL OF YOU AND YOU'RE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE ANYMORE AND GROWING UP IS SO EXCITING BUT CHANGE IS SO SCARY AND EVERYTHING'S WEIRD.

That's the rabbit hole I fell down fewer than 20 panels into the new story! TWENTY GODDAMN PANELS AND I'M BACK IN EIGHTH GRADE WONDERING WHAT CHANGED AND WHAT DID I DO AND HOW AM I DIFFERENT OR WHY AREN'T I DIFFERENT. And the panels I posted above were DEVASTATING, and I sent
disco_vendetta a bunch of panicky emails because I CAN'T HANDLE CHARLOTTE AND MILDRED NOT BEING FRIENDS, but then it was okay, and they're okay, but they're still growing up, and it's still scary, and it makes me really, really appreciate the ways in which absorbing a story piece by piece instead of all at once can force you to live inside it. SERIAL FICTION IS PRETTY MAGICAL WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT.

3. SERIOUS QUESTION: ARE YOU ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO LIKE STILES OR IS HE A GARBAGE CHARACTER WHO HAPPENED TO BE GIFTED WITH DYLAN O'BRIEN'S EXISTENCE? Man, it is SUPER weird for me how useless/terrible he is? Like what does Stiles even do other than talk to randoms and harass Lydia? This is an ensemble show! So far this season he BASICALLY lifts right out.

HAHAHAHAHAHA ANYWAY WHAT THE FUCK IS THE DEAL WITH CORA? ARE WE JUST NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT THIS LOST ROMANOV SHIT? Like okay, cool, Cora's just NOT DEAD, she's just been NOT DEAD for like ten years now, okay, very cool, UM, WHAT THE FUCK? LIKE WAS SHE THERE WHEN THE FIRE HAPPENED AND SHE JUST RAN THE FUCK OFF AND NEVER LOOKED BACK AND ASSUMED EVERYONE WAS DEAD INCLUDING THE PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T EVEN HOME? And what, hitchhiked across America? Look guys, my family weren't even werewolves and even we had a fucking "this is where everyone meets in the event that the house burns down" plan. Is the reason we're not talking about where the fuck Cora's been because Jeff Davis doesn't know and doesn't want to draw attention to it? WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK IS GOING ON? HOW IS THIS A REAL SHOW ON TELEVISION THAT PEOPLE DELUDE THEMSELVES INTO THINKING IS QUALITY? DEREK "MY WHOLE FAMILY IS DEAD" HALE'S DEAD SISTER SHOWS UP TOTALLY UNHARMED AND IT'S LITERALLY NEVER DISCUSSED. OKAY. GOOD SHOW. GOOD JOB.

Man speaking of dead chicks though THE ALPHAS KILLED THE GIRL WHO SAVED ISAAC, SO HE'S GOING TO KILL THEM. But first he's going to get up close and personal with Allison and she and Scott and Isaac are going to hook up on the regular prank the Alpha twins AND ALLISON'S GOING TO HOTWIRE A MOTHERFUCKING MOTORCYCLE? I'M OKAY. WE'RE ALL OKAY. Literally everything in this episode that wasn't those three was totally useless to me SLASH I DIDN'T EVEN WATCH SOME OF IT. STILES? SKIP. ALPHAS BEATING ON DEREK? Actually I DID watch those scenes on the off chance that someone would explain what the fuck Cora was doing alive but NOPE! [Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyd.]


IN CONCLUSION it's weird how this show is 95% the worst thing I've ever seen in my entire life and 5% ULTIMATE SHINING PERFECTION.

This entry was originally posted at because FUCK LIVEJOURNAL, FOR SERIOUS. You can comment over there or over here, I really don't care, but eventually you're all going to join me on DW, let's be real.

teen wolf, bad machinery

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