Hello there! I'll say right off the bat that this post isn't really necessary; everything you need is in the requests and this is just me spewing words unchecked, which I love to do but which you may find incredibly off-putting.
When it comes to Yuletide requests, I generally stick to fandoms where I'd be good with anything, and that's true for all of four of my requests this year! So please, please, PLEASE, if for whatever reason you find one of my prompts undoable, just remember that I'd rather read a story I didn't ask for that you think you can write well than something I requested that you have to force your way through. (If you do go outside the prompt, though, I'd prefer gen unless I specified otherwise below.)
Likes: I tried to sound like a sane person in my prompts, but please don't be fooled: Shippy fic is like catnip to me, as evidenced by my
Delicious, which is full of stories from fandoms I know nothing about that I just raid because I hunger for a constant stream of fics that read like romantic comedies. THE MORE CLICHED THE BETTER, HONESTLY. Whatever, Yuletide author, you don't know my life!
This is my yuletide tag on Delicious and will probably be vastly more helpful to you if that is something you actually feel like looking into and/or if you need to be reassured that just because I'm a crazy person doesn't mean I don't also love stories that aren't slash epics featuring characters I couldn't identify in a photo.
Other things I am crazy for: AUs [not so much historical ones, but I'm game for anything], crossovers [the other fandom: anything from my LJ interests, anything from my Delicious tags, anything you have reason to believe I'm familiar with], fusions, found families [particularly when those found families spend holidays together], happy endings [please don't depress the shit out of me on Christmas Day, but I will endure ALL THE ANGST AND MISUNDERSTANDING if things end well], people striking out on their own and finding themselves, people being besties [either canon friendships or new ones], and origin stories/character backstories.
Dislikes: Like I said, please don't depress me on Christmas!
ANYWAY, on to the prompts:
The Mediator
ANYTHING! Really, seriously, anything. Okay, not Paul. Please do me the small favor of just pretending like Paul doesn't exist. Beyond that, I just want to be able to read fic in this fandom! If that's too broad, though, here are some possibilities: anything post-series exploring what it's like now that Jesse's alive/a mediator, a story about Paul's little brother Jack growing up a mediator, Suze/Cee Cee friendship fic, something about Suze and her family, particularly Doc, or, and I saved this for last in an attempt to pretend I'm not absolutely nutballs over them, Suze/Jesse ANYTHING.
I LOVE THIS SERIES AND I LOVE SUZE SIMON. I was also the one who nommed it, so even though I didn't specify any characters in my request, the inclusion of Suze, Jesse, Doc, and Cee Cee was all me. My ultimate wish would probably be post-series about Suze/Jesse as a LEAN, MEAN, MEDIATING MACHINE, just kidding they'd argue about how to handle the situation and the ghosts would just be like "uh, hello, can we get back to my unfinished business?"
Also welcome: ANY kind of brother fic [Doc is my favorite, but Sleepy and Dopey are cool too, I love that Suze has a different relationship with all of them], Jack fic [either Suze and Jesse training him or him growing up and figuring it out for himself and maybe running into Suze or Jesse when he's older], Suze/Cee Cee BFFery, basically anything you can think of that is not Paul. GOD HELP YOU IF PAUL IS IN THIS THING. Shit, wait, actually, if you wrote fic where Paul has been hit by a truck or something equally beautiful and then they have to mediate for him, THAT WOULD BE FINE BY ME as long as everyone is properly exasperated by his continued existence.
Post-series "everyone's home for Christmas" fic, please! It's up to you how long after the finale it's set. I specified Bright and Hannah and would LOVE something where they're back together [or something where they get back together], but that's up to you as well! I love everybody on this show, so please feel free to include whatever characters or pairings you want.
It is my great dream that everyone will finally get it together and watch this show. FRIENDS LIST, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, YOU ALL LOVE CHRIS PRATT! Back on topic: Pretty much what it says on the tin, I don't have much else! I am especially in love with the Abbotts [WHO ISN'T?] if you want to focus on them, and if you don't want to write Bright and Hannah together, I would totally be fine with Hannah joining the Abbotts for Christmas as a friend of the family. Inclusion of the Browns (and/or Ephram/Amy and Andy/Nina) is welcome but totally up to you. I also feel compelled to mention that it can be Thanksgiving instead of Christmas if you want. I don't know why I felt the need to say that, but whatever, you're still reading, you must be used to this by now.
The Host
Post-book: I'd like to see Mel and Wanda adjusting to interacting as separate bodies.
Self-explanatory! I HATED Wanda's new body, though, so please don't pull a SMeyer and go on and on about how terrible and weak but weirdly endearing it is, GROSS. If you're so inclined, I am also head over heels in love with Ian O'Shea and Ian/Wanda and I LOVE Jamie, so if you want to incorporate that BE MY GUEST, but the core of what I want is really just Mel and Wanda and how they get along now that they don't share a body.
Hex Hall
I'd love any kind of Sophie/Archer story - if you want to work in a missing moment, that works, but since the series doesn't leave much room for that, I'm super into the idea of post-Spellbound Sophie/Archer where they just disappear together for a while after the giant Council vs. The Eye vs. decent people struggle resolves itself. Maybe the Eye or the Council wins and they have to go on the run, or maybe the good guys win and Sophie and Archer just want to go off the grid for a while, WHO KNOWS?
HOWEVER, since shippy stories are a perk and not a guarantee, I am also totally game for any kind of Hex Hall gen you want to give me. Any characters, anywhere in the timeline, I'm in!
Every time I think about writing fic in this fandom I freeze up because I want post-Demonglass fic, but uhhhhh, that was kind of a doozy of a cliffhanger, or THIRTY cliffhangers, wasn't it? So if you're a braver soul than I am and actually want to tackle the uncertain future, go for it, but if you want to jump to post-Spellbound and just sort of vaguely hint at how things worked out and get right to whatever Sophie and Archer are up to after, then that's fine by me.
Like I said, though, I'd be glad for any fic in this fandom, so if there's something else you'd rather get into, go for it! I TRUST YOU.
For reference,
here is where I posted all of my Hex Hall FEEEEEEELINGS.
And...that should be it, Yuletide author! [I know, I know, you're thinking "that's it? BUT YOU'VE BARELY EVEN SAID ANYTHING!" I'm a woman of very few words, I'm well-known for it.] Thank you SO MUCH in advance, I'm sure I'll love whatever you've got in store for me!