Nov 13, 2010 09:00


In case you hadn't noticed by the fact that I kicked off three of my four requests with "ANYTHING," I am pretty easy to please! This is normally the part where I'd talk about how I am a giant sap and all I ever want is makeouts and happy endings, or AUs, or stories about people starting fresh or taking their lives in a new direction, or stories that span years and possibly continents, but my fandom selections are all over the place this year, so generalizing is HARD. Here are some more detailed thoughts, although if you'd rather go with the original "anything" request, feel free to ignore all this!

1. Back to the Future

How they meet! Anything about them and their friendship before time travel, basically. I rewatched a few weeks ago and ended up wanting MORE THAN ANYTHING to know how Doc found Marty again, what it was like befriending him and having all these memories of a friendship that was thirty years in the past for Doc even though Marty hadn't even experienced it yet. [This makes it sound like I need Doc POV fic. I don't! It can be Marty POV, or both, or neither, just do whatever works.]

Pretty self-explanatory! Did Doc seek Marty out because he knew who he was, or did they cross paths by chance? Did George and Lorraine remember Doc as 1955!Marty's uncle? You could start off in 1955 or in Marty's lifetime or somewhere else, I DIG THIS CONCEPT NO MATTER WHAT.

2. Kenzie-Gennaro series

ANYTHING. ANYTHING! Well. Not fluff. Fluff would be a little bit ridiculous. If you WANT a prompt from me, then two possibilities for guaranteed awesomeness would be something Angie-centric, maybe pre-series but not necessarily, or fic about Oscar and Devin [but not Oscar/Devin]. Them on a completely unrelated case, their run-ins with Patrick and Angie over the years from their perspective, them getting donuts, whatever.

OR BUBBA FIC. Seriously, anything.

I...don't really have anything to add to this one, so if you are the one person besides me who offered in this fandom, I am sorry if you were hoping for more from me!

3. The Unusuals

ANOTHER "ANYTHING" REQUEST. My dream is a pre-series Davis Nixon POV fic based on his line in the finale about how he's been crazy about Casey since she was seventeen, but WE ALL HAVE DREAMS, and that is a crazy specific one. I'm easy! Anything BUT fic about Cole and his tortured past as a Southern criminal mastermind or whatever - the show spent MORE than enough tim on that - and I'm good. Ugh, now I feel bad, what if you have the beginnings of some epic, awe-inspiring Cole fic that I'd fall in love with in your head and I've just shot you down? DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT, YULETIDE AUTHOR. [I am also HUGE into partner gen, though, anything about Shraeger and Walsh or Banks and Delahoy and I am SOLD.]

To be clear, if you are writing that Davis Nixon fic, a) I owe you my firstborn and b) I didn't really mean it had to be STRICTLY pre-series - it could continue through the series and beyond it [BEYOND, OH GOSH, WHAT COMES BEYOND?], but I definitely want to see some of what came before.

If you're going with the "anything but Cole fic unless you have a great idea for Cole fic" path - ALSO PRETTY FIRSTBORN-WORTHY, don't get me wrong - then please feel free to go ANYWHERE with that. An AU, a crossover with any other fandom that I'm familiar with, case of the week fic, shenanigans while hanging around the precinct fic, a character study, it's all yours!

4. Weeds

SILAS FIC. ANYTHING. Ideally I'd like it if you use his arc this season as a starting point [emotionally, anyway - this can be pre-series, from another season, twenty years in the future, whatever], but it's your story!

Did you SEE that finale, author? Holy shit! When I did my signup I was afraid they'd do something terrible in the finale like KILL SILAS and then what if I was too upset by it to be able to enjoy my Yuletide fic? BUT HE'S JUST ON A PLANE, IT'S COOL.

PROMPT IF YOU NEED ONE: Silas striking out on his own, and all the ways he is and isn't able to leave it all behind. Maybe he takes Nancy up on the Europe offer, or actually gets out of the car when she pulls over, or stays in Seattle or Dearborn, maybe he splits from the group somewhere else. I always imagine Silas talking about Nancy in the past tense - "my mother was selfish," "my mother was reckless." He's going to carry her with him no matter what he does or where he goes. Then again, maybe he never gets away.

IN CONCLUSION: Thank you so much for whatever you come up with! I apologize for the fact that this is probably mostly incoherent, I AM PRETTY TIRED. Happy Yuletide!

yuletide, yuletide letters

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