Thursday is going to be
dudley_redeemed art day this month. Here is our first, beautiful, piece.
Title: You're alive, pretty bird
venturous1Prompt: #8 Dudley finds the crashed motorbike sidecar that Harry had been in. Hedwig's cage is still there, but the bird was not killed, only knocked unconscious (say the Killing Curse hit a bar of the cage rather than Hedwig). Dudley nurses Hedwig back to health.
Pairing, or gen: gen
Rating: G
Warning(s): none
Medium: pencil, ink, photoshop
Summary: Hedwig is badly hurt, but Dudley finds her before it's too late
Author's or Artist's notes: Making this drawing healed a hole in my heart I've carried since Book 7.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all associated characters and settings remain the intellectual property of JK Rowling and her associates. We are very grateful for permission to play with them.