Title: Mixing worlds
naturegirlrocks Prompt:
#31 Pairing: Dudley/Pansy, mentions of Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): none
Word count: about 3400
Summary: Pansy meets a Muggle at a pub, it changes both their lives.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all associated characters and settings remain the intellectual property of JK Rowling and her associates.
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Comments 9
Also - Pansy wearing the wedding dress! Priceless!
Her dynamic with Dudley worked really well-- surprisingly so! I would never have thought to put these two together, but I liked that you touched on how they both had pushy, interfering parents and had been spoilt brats making bad choices as children and were now coming to terms with that. Dudley's vulnerability and his genuine awe that a beautiful woman would pick him out made me want to cuddle him forever.
Oh my goodness, that last line KILLED me! SO funny and a perfect way to wrap this up. LOVED it.
I love the last line, of course. But also the trip to Mme Toussaud's, and the way they just acted so cute together. The idea of Dudley! Trying on silly hats! And the ice cream, and the fact that Dudley was snooping around in Pansy's things and that she Accioed her purse, thereby giving away that she was a witch, which is probably what she was hoping to prevent! Not that the snooping is okay, but the exchange was )priceless. Tea bags! Wedding dresses! (of course only those familiar with Muggles would know that it was a wedding dress...
Well done!
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