Art. Prompt 69. Venturous 1.

Sep 30, 2010 10:21

Title: Dudley to the Rescue
Author/Artist: venturous1 
Prompt: #69
Dudley isn't without some long-term effects after the Dementor attack. As a matter of fact, sometimes he thinks he's Harry Potter and sets out to save the world. Can anyone finally heal him? And who is it he tries to save the most?
Pairing, or gen: gen
Rating: PG
Warning(s): character death
Word count/medium: photoshop and tablet
Summary/Excerpt: In the past year, Dudley had changed beyond all recognition. So even if Harry were conscious, he wouldn't recognize this crazy muggle who finds himself in the middle of a deadly fight. But Dudley recognizes his cousin, who appears dead beside him, and is ready to fight to the end.
Author's or Artist's notes: This was a blast. the bunny just took over and had its way with me. I began by looking at dozens of civil war engravings of battle scenes from Harpers Weekly, and borrowing poses from several of them. Three inking layers and 4 shading layers plus multiple filters later we have this art.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all associated characters and settings remain the intellectual property of JK Rowling and her associates. We are very grateful for permission to play with them.

rating: pg, *gen, !art

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