(no subject)

Aug 30, 2005 19:46

I think I agree with Ash Rat's entry. A lot of the friends I do have are shifty and as a result, I am becoming a shifty friend as well. I don't like it but I guess it's a guard I put up. Like I don't even talk to half the ppl I went to school with even if we were best friends. They either aren't online when I'm on or whatever. I think I am tired of trying and so is everyone else. ALL of us have the go with the flow attitude so it really isn't a big deal. We just do that much more catching up when we do talk. It just bothers me when ppl that I used to be close with don't make attempts, and it bothers me to know that I don't attempt to do anything either. I finally talked to Tasha the other day and recieved exciting news from her. I miss that girl so much.
Today I went to the wrong classroom for english but it wasn't my fault. Another guy did the same thing. See they switched our classrooms and the switch doesn't take place till next week but it showed up on the schedule. So me and this guy are sitting there and in walks a group of 30 students with my spanish professor. She makes fun of me enough already. So this guy and I finally got to where we were supposed to be. I have some homework over the next few days. Not an overly huge amount but not something that I am going to finish within an hr either. Today Puckett and I went to eat Mexican for lunch to kill some time and to get out of the structured environment for a little bit. It was raining and my shoes got slippery because I had lotion on my feet and they ended up falling off numerous times. The food was very good and I'm not an overly huge Mexican fan. I had some sort of an egg dish and we didn't think it was going to be all that great. But after the grossed out looks my eggs recieved from Puckett, I took a bite and they turned out to be incredible. I came back, showered, and went to my drama class with Ash Rat. Neither of us were in overly great moods. Maybe because it has been raining for 2 days straight and Wise is under a tornado warning. I didn't get to go to the funeral because I would have 6 classes to make up and I am already behind in Spanish. The family went on without me.... it is starting to hit me that I am not there.
I think tomorrow there are at least 15 of us goin clubbin. Not for sure yet. I have so much work and I have been so tired lately. I am finally over strep but I continue to stay weak. I have one more day of antibiotics, wait no... 2 because I didn't take it last night.... and it makes me so sick to my stomach. Other than that I am completely enjoying everything.
I miss everyone!!
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