Oct 13, 2004 08:28
The play was kind of gay. Oh well...i got to chill with riley which was alot of fun. And yea so we have a game today. Vinal fuckin sucks so we better beat them. And the girls lost yesterday too which i hope they get a win soon b/c they deserve it especially after losing two people due to injuries. I have faith in them. Im so bored right now in study hall in kneriums class or however u spell his name, ill just say im in bad breaths class. So im getting my license on the 28th which is banging. I really want to do something and chill with some people this weekend. Nobody calls me anymore and i dont know why if like people just dont want to chill with me or b/c im just boring or something. Well yah anyways heres my cell again if anybody wants to call me, 933-9061 so hopefully somebody will call me. Alright ill talk to u guys later hopefully....love all of u's!!!!