Farewell Mission St. Taco Bell

Feb 27, 2006 19:05

Friday night, after getting properly sauced, my peeps and I went to Taco Bell, where I proceeded to order 2 chalupas and a crunch wrap, but was short one quarter, so I asked around to no avail, but Jeremy received a quarter from a good chap. Unfortunately for everyone at Taco Bell, their service was not expedited in enough haste to satisfy me, so I raised my arms to the sky and yelled "ugh!" This provided too little improvement as far as I could tell, so I posed this question to the lady making my order: "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, MAN?" I'm probably not going back there any time soon. Farewell Mission St. Taco Bell.

Edit: I forgot to mention that at one point, Jeremy asked me when they used one cheese or another and I said something to the effect of "they don't know what cheese to use. They don't even know what they're fucking doing!" I think I might be a classist when I'm drunk.
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