4x15: Death Takes a Holiday

Mar 14, 2009 14:35

1. Dude
Dean: 2
1. Dude, you are so Amityville.
2. Dude, check me out.

Sam: 2
1. Dude, I've told you a hundred times. That was the siren talking, not me.
2. Dude, I'm not going to do Fight Club with a twelve year old.

2. "I've been everywhere, man."
Dean: 1
1. Come on, man, we've been spooking this town for hours.

Sam: 0

3. "Jerk." "Bitch."

Dean: 0

Sam: 0

4. Jinx: 0

5. Fence-jumpin', Lock-pickin', Gun-shootin', and Door-kickin'

Number of times a fence is jumped (by Sam, Dean, or both): 0
Number of times a lock is picked (by Sam or Dean): 0
Number of times a gun is fired (by Sam or Dean): 0
Number of times a door is kicked in (by Sam or Dean): 0

6. When is "Sam" a "Sammy" and other pressing name questions

Number of times Dean says, "Sam.": 2
1. I don't know, Sam.
2. Sam, do me a favor.

Number of times Dean says, "Sammy.": 1
1. The pain of losing my father, and Sammy, I wished I 'd gone with you for good.

Number of times Sam says, "Dean.": 7
1. Dean, in our experience, when do miracles just happen?
2. Look, I don't want them to die either, Dean, but there's a natural order.
3. Look, I know you want to think of yourself as Joe the Plumber, Dean, but you're not.
4. Dean! (when Alistair flings him)
5. What? Dean, I'm not keeping secrets.
6. Dean, reapers are invisible.
7. Dean, where's Tessa?

season 4

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