Washington State Referendum 71: DO NOT SIGN!

Jun 11, 2009 18:00

Sorry if this pisses off some of my friends that don't support this, but...this is something I agree with. My support is behind NOT signing Referendum 71.

Nicked from libraryraven...

Friends and Family in Washington State-

Regardless of where you stand on gay marriage, our state is at serious risk of taking a step back in time--and equal rights--if Referendum 71 makes it to the ballot.

Here's the deal...on May 19th of this year, Governor Gregoire signed a bill into law that assured that all WA families are treated the same with the same protections, rights, and obligations as our neighbors. The law ensures that registered domestic partners and married couples are treated equally under the law.

This is not marriage and not tied to religion at all. This is about equal rights like letting Dan and I make health care decisions for each other if one of us is sick, allowing us to visit a each other in the hospital, and giving us community property rights, probate rights, joint responsibility for debts, and other protections.

OK- hope you are still reading. This is the part that you have to pay attention to and act on.

Referendum 71 has one purpose- to repeal this law and take away rights.

Between today and the end of July you will most likely encounter someone trying to collect your signature. If they get more than 120,577 signatures, the referendum to take away these rights will go up for a public vote.

This is scary--remember what happened in CA with Prop 8? When a majority votes on a minority, the minority has a super slim chance of coming out on top.

So what can you do? Please forward this to your more conservative friends and relatives in WA state and make sure that they are educated about this and aware of what they are going to be asked to sign. And don't sign.
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