Sep 03, 2004 21:25
? ‡” I N F O R M A T I O N ‡” ? ‡”
Name: aj
Single or taken: taken.i love u lizzy
Birthday: jan 21
Sign: dunno dont care
Siblings: tommy,becky,pat(ugh)
Hair color: um sum type of blonde
Eye color: blue n turns green
Height: almost 5'4
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Who are your best friends?:lizzy,ash,leyley,jessica
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yyyyes.i love u lizzy
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Where is your favorite place to shop: um i dont really have one i go to pacsun alot
Any tattoos or piercing: nope
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Do you do drugs?: nah
What kind of shampoo do you use?: i dunno
What are you most scared of?: clowns!!!!!!!!!!
What are you listening to right now? the tv
Who is the last person that called you?: lizzy
Where do you want to get married?:dont care as long as it is w/ lizzy
How many buddies are online right now?: dont care 2 look
What would you change about yourself?: um nothing becuz lizzy like me the way i am
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Color: black and red
Food: pizza...hmmm
Boys names: none
Girls names: lizzy
Subjects in school: gutair
Animals: dogs n those lil monkey thingyes
‡” ? ‡” H A V E | Y O U | E V E R ‡” ? ‡”
Given anyone a bath?: no.
Smoked?: no
Bungee jumped?:no
Made yourself throw up?: yeah
Skinny dipped?: yea
Ever been in love?: i love lizzy n i will 4ever n ever n ever
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: hehe of course
Pictured your crush naked?: i dont picture ppl naked
Actually seen your crush naked?: no
Cried when someone died?:i dont cry for ppl who die
Lied: its the only way to get thru life
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Been rejected?: yeah
Rejected someone?: yeah
Done something you regret?:hmmm..bein mean 2 lizzy along time ago i love u lizzy
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Clothes: hurley shirt red boxers n shorts
Music: none
Make-up:dude im a guy
Annoyance: nothin really at the moment
Smell:my washed hair
Desktop picture: my sis w/ the singer from all american rejects at worped tour Book you're reading: gentalhands(book for l.a.)
CD in player?: alikine trio
DVD in player:my mom dad n bro r watchin leagally blond 2
‡” ? ‡” L A S T | P E R S O N ‡” ? ‡”
You touched: hmm like not my family um lizzy..i love u
Hugged:i think it was jessica
You imed: lizzy
You yelled at: ash
You kissed: lizzy
‡” ? ‡” A R E | Y O U ‡” ? ‡”
Understanding?: maybe
Open-minded: i dont have a mind...i share lizzys
Arrogant: sumtimes
Insecure: definently .. not
Hungry:almost all the time except i have a super fast matabilisum so i look anerexic
Smart:if lizzy said no n i share hers the wat do u think
Hard working:me work yeah right except for the shuters
Healthy:no im like sick all the time
Shy: yes but only around lizzy
Difficult: um yea
Attractive:*lizzy* (9:45:51 PM): you're on FIRE!
Bored easily:im both bored easily and easily amused
Responsible?:depends on for wat
Obsessed:ppl say i have an obsession on lizzy but i noe its just cuz i love her sooo much
Angry:at ash alot but not right now
Hyper:me except if i have 2 amps(ima moose!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Trusting: not really unless i noe u
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Kill?:hmm so many ppl
Slap:no 1
Get really wasted with?:dont plan 2 get drunk for a few more years
Get high with?:dont like 2 smoke
Talk to offline:lizzy
Talk to online:lizzy
Sex it up with:um
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In the morning I am:sleepy
All you need is:lizzy
Love is:great 2 me
I dream about:hmmm i once had a dream about a freaky clown
What do you notice first?:?????
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Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
Flowers or candy:um i dont get flowers so i wouldnt noe
Tall or short:im short wish i was taller bcuz lizzy said she likes tall ppl
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Makes you laugh the most:i think alot of thigs r funny but the last one was lizzy
Makes you smile:lizzy
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her:lizzy
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Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?:um i like 2 sleep at night like a normal person
Save conversations:ive tryed 2 save mine but my middle man is screwed up
Wish you were younger: no i wanna be older! !!
Cry because someone said something to you?:i dont remeber i prob have
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Of times I have had my heart broken:no
Of hearts I have broken:dunno
Guys I’ve kissed:never and never will
Girls I’ve kissed:lizzy
Of cds I own:dunno
Of scars on my body: alot.
Of things I regret:not meetin lizzy sooner
I know: not much
I want: the hurricane 2 turn around
I have: 2 thumbs
I wish: it was summer
I hate: clowns
I fear: clowns
I hear: the dude on the news
I search: dif stuffs
I wonder: if i can c lizzy 2morrow
I love: lizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzylizzy..and lizzy
ok u prob didnt need 2 noe tat
but wateva rocks ur socks
i love u lizzy sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much