Jun 03, 2015 06:35
Last night I dreamed that I was lying on the couch, cuddling with a cute boy. He wanted to watch TV, but we couldn't get the speakers to work. So he spliced together some speaker wire and got the speakers working. We were on the couch in my old house - the one I grew up in, the one by Sarah's current house. We got the TV working and laid on the couch, cuddling and talking and watching My Three Sons. It was early in the morning, like 4am. My mother woke up and came into the living room and started talking and talking about some birthday party she was throwing and how she'd ordered a bunch of stuff from FedEx that was supposed to be there that day. So I said, "Mom, we're going to go to my bedroom," and she said, "Okay." We get to my bedroom, which has my current bed in it, but it's the room I slept in as a child, and my cats had puked and pooped all over my bed. I was embarrassed, but he started helping me strip the sheets off my bed so that we could lie down and not be lying in poop and puke. As we were stripping the sheets, my dad walked into the room and said, "Melissa! It's 6:15!"
That last part was real life and that's when I woke up. My dream cuddles were nice. Cockblocked by my parents and my cats.