shenegans from memorial day and now lol!

May 30, 2007 00:06

My convo with bill about my memorial day vacation that started um,
Friday May 25th,2007:
yeah dude im back hehe it was great and i cooked most of the weekend haha
sKATEpunkCHEF: im so glad dude i even went rock climbing it was great dude!
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: this weekend we are all going to va beach
sKATEpunkCHEF: oh and get this dude lik um they got a skatepark
sKATEpunkCHEF: right well its about a shitty as ours
SKAterIM: yea it is called mount trashmore
sKATEpunkCHEF: but like i saw literally like 5 people there
sKATEpunkCHEF: it was hot as hell eyesterday they where all in cages basically
sKATEpunkCHEF: so like dude we all partyed yesterday and got trashedddddddddddddddd
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: and get this chick stasiah which i know has a jack russell terrer dog right and like friday night we come in there and the dog had shit on the floor
sKATEpunkCHEF: then like no one luckly steped on it then we got out yesterday to the store and shit right and the dogpissed and pooped on the floor again
SKAterIM: haha
sKATEpunkCHEF: this is a female dog and get this shit the whole time it fucking slept and stayed behind the couch
sKATEpunkCHEF: haha
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: yeah dude
sKATEpunkCHEF: then like they have aweird grey cat
sKATEpunkCHEF: right and it stays in stasiahs and her crusty ass cali punk rock dudes b4 right
sKATEpunkCHEF: all it does is stayi n the room and there room literally smells like pee and shit
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: right get this so i changed to put on my night time shorts right and she is like dont go in there im like why?
sKATEpunkCHEF: she is like the cat threw up on the floor
sKATEpunkCHEF: im like um trust me im only puting my shorts on lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: im liek wtf
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: there is no way in hell i wanna stay there again im like ok friday right
sKATEpunkCHEF: john and i are gonna take the amtrak up there and theyd pick us up im like um damn how about we leave friday nigh
sKATEpunkCHEF: or leave early saturday mornuing dude i was filibustering haha\
sKATEpunkCHEF: I mean there nice but god!
SKAterIM: lol yea
SKAterIM: everyone knows u should clean up before u have company
sKATEpunkCHEF: then like dude get this ok stasiah and john use to fuck alot and shuit right and looked hot as hell now she put so muc weight on
sKATEpunkCHEF: her bf ben is cool thought but crustyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
sKATEpunkCHEF: as hell
sKATEpunkCHEF: dude she went to uva and im liek wtf
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: then like i saw her parents house earlier because johns parents live in the next few citites over like an hr away right
sKATEpunkCHEF: and im like wtf
sKATEpunkCHEF: she stopped going to uva she remind of courtlandt with her polo on and shit im liek damn
sKATEpunkCHEF: she isnt bad looking like bens cool but imlike how does this work out lol
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: duyde her bf even drank um,dishwater
sKATEpunkCHEF: and dude friday b4 i cooked i demaned he get that shit out of there
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: i even had this cool dude andrew which is on t here friend help
sKATEpunkCHEF: dude we scrubbed and cleaned that shit good
sKATEpunkCHEF: get this shit
sKATEpunkCHEF: they didnt even have dish detergant or a garbage disposer
sKATEpunkCHEF: :-X
SKAterIM: haha
sKATEpunkCHEF: even people ion the ghetoo have that lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: shit lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: so i used some of there windex all purpose cleaner and shit right
sKATEpunkCHEF: and um the tide with fabric softner or something
sKATEpunkCHEF: but get this dude
sKATEpunkCHEF: there shower is imaculatenly clean a hell
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: im like wtf? there bathroom is good but hold on
sKATEpunkCHEF: its gett better
sKATEpunkCHEF: ok so like john took a shower first yesterday right
sKATEpunkCHEF: then like b4 he took a shower he came back out and was like hey um how do u turn the shower on
sKATEpunkCHEF: an there like here i'll show u
sKATEpunkCHEF: u have to use plyers to turn the water on and off the nlike um pop it out first
sKATEpunkCHEF: then get this today i was like oh ok because they did it for me yesterday and i didnt remeber pulling it out first right
sKATEpunkCHEF: so i go take a shower today after john right then andrew went after me and get tthis fucking im like did u all pay the water bill
sKATEpunkCHEF: and there like the people who owns the apt/house place does i didnt pull it out and the hot water supposedly last for um,15 mins dude todya that shit got cold within 10 mins
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: like it wasnt bad but the shit i had to go thru was like a procedural delay
sKATEpunkCHEF: eah ddue it was fun thought we got wasted as hell yesterdya
SKAterIM: it was a holiday weekend filibuster
sKATEpunkCHEF: dude it was like hella good i think there going to put on youtube
sKATEpunkCHEF: yeah it was lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: 'imean the rock climbing was good and shit i took john,andrew and maybe like 42 mins
sKATEpunkCHEF: its up in the shennadoh moutains but get this
sKATEpunkCHEF: it took stasiah and her bf 1hr 1 hr 10 mins
sKATEpunkCHEF: im like wtf
sKATEpunkCHEF: then going down was liek literally maybe 10 mins it took them over half and hr lol
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: but smoking ciggs can do that to u
sKATEpunkCHEF: imean its ok with the weed
SKAterIM: yep
sKATEpunkCHEF: 'but im liek damn dude
sKATEpunkCHEF: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: it was funny
sKATEpunkCHEF: yeahdude i was like far up in the air it felt good to breathe that air
sKATEpunkCHEF: it looked like i was in colorado
sKATEpunkCHEF: dude dude some places down there is a trip
sKATEpunkCHEF: some places smells like cow shit others liek seafood
sKATEpunkCHEF: then grilled steak and shrimp im like wtf flavors then we got i think like somewhere in warrenton or w/e it smelled like um,skunks
sKATEpunkCHEF: we passed a placew here there are skunks it literally blew t he car up
SKAterIM: lol
sKATEpunkCHEF: they have alot of hot chicks down there
IF you have time to read this people go ahead hahhahA I usually do lmao.
oh yeah my tax check came yay! Like, um I deposited it my checking acct. first then into a savings acct. yay im so stoked about that lol!
I'm going to probably put around $300.50 in it to cover some odd expenses if available and qualified lol. Like I work today and i think im falling for a hot 18 year going on 19 year college girl I like know she may not have the ump to say if she likes me or not but its more me way more me than her, but her name is Erin and Amazing! She goes to Boston University.
Well,this week ,John,Andrew from Warrenton,VA.,Stasiah,and her bf Ben are going to Virginia Beach which i'm way excited about yay,god I wish Erin from gg's could come with us,john earlier was like I figured that was the one haha. She is banging hot.
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