Its Thursday April 19th,2007

Apr 19, 2007 17:54

Ok this is the One year Anniversary of COurtlandts Death wow oh well the irony is this is also the same week of Virginia techs death massucure and like all the bomb threat shengigans of colleges and stuff its just one of those weeks, and to all my friends that I know at V-tech im glad u all are ok and im praying for you especiall Tim Johnson and Sarah Tanner and i saw her last night thank god and Brady was there it was worth it, and Like Mike Flack thank god you came to the V-tech Candle light Vigil yay!
Oh and Nikki Bell you rock we hung out for 15 mins. Now thats just simply amazing hehe!!!
Ok im leaving work now its time to go play outside in the nice 40-50 degree weather with John haha.
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