(no subject)

Feb 03, 2010 08:24

why can't i go "earlier" only one "friends page?" i used to be able to go back as far as i wanted.


hi, lj.

haven't been here much because i've been using fb for all my online interaction. sorry, friends, but you're all on there too. plus, this journal is something i do when i come into the office, which i rarely do these days.

been working on learning a new front end software called tickit. their logo is black and green like the cell phone company. oops. anyway...the execution side of it is retarded compared to xtrader, but the back end stuff gets real deep. i've been learning to program automated trading algorithms and strategies. so hopefully i'll have a marketable skill when our market completely dries up...which has already happened...there are just a few dudes left, holding on.

angel eyes finished recording our new record. we are supposed to mix on friday. i just don't like how some of the guitars sound in parts...ugh. should probably address that before we start mixing, yes?

working on planning the wedding for late august. there are going to be way too many people there that aren't my friends. half of our capacity is being eaten up by family. it's bullshit because i'm having to rank my friends, and people i really like and want to be there are being pushed off the list. it sucks.

i took on a guitar student. she's the wife of a dude i work with. she's super new, so i just gave her some scales and finger exercises and told her to see me in a month. sad part is that once she gets that down, she'll be as good a guitar player as me...

so i will start taking lessons with nief again. even that is a pain, because there is always something coming up. i had to move last week's lesson to this week...and i'll have to cancel again.
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