So i dont know who has heard my peskering about Amari but i know some of you have. Also some of you have requested to hear some Amari, and sence i was lazy i havent gotten to it tell now. And here you go, some Amari for you fine people. by the way, its only under the section that says Amari, if you see FareSoldi you've gone to far! And you woundn't want to miss Amari now would you? becuase if i we're you i wouldn't! so yeah there you go, now go out and play in traffic or something. on no! don't actuly go out and play in traffic that is a bad idea. But go out and play in the sun, unless it's night. Then if its night go play out in the Luner. Yeah i am just rambling on and not congigating words that usely are. it is quite diffrent to talk without them. I have a question, do any English words really need to be congigatted? i mean there is not really any large diffrence in spelling. In French i have would be J'ai, but you have would be Tuas and then they have is Elle/ils ont. See that large diffrence in spelling? and in Italian i have is Sono, there isnt even a subject! That is something that i dont inderstand about french, the spellings change for the Helping Verb but the subject isnt assumed? why not? Yeah okay im done now.