[The device is nudged and turns on accidentally. There's a sleepy yawn coming from the bundle of blankets on the bed. After a moment a head emerges, the spiky hair and freckled face of a little boy. If one looks closely though, it's clear that this is still Dean. He's simply eight years old today rather than thirty two. He looks a bit confused as
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What he's not used to is a kid sitting at the table, eating waffles, and it takes him a minute to realize who it is. He stops short in the doorway, his expression struggling between disbelief and tenderness for the kid Dean never got to be.]
Uh...Mom know you're here? She's married you know and Dad'll kick your ass.
Yeah, she knows I'm here. Where is... your mom? She around?
She'll be back in a little while.
[More considering and staring at the giant in front of him. Mary warned him that Sam might be older than him.]
Are you Sam? You got ginormous.
Yeah, I'm Sam. And... yeah. I did. [He grins.] Bigger than you, finally. Can I sit?
I'm still your older brother. [Let's just get that straight right away.] Mom left waffles for you in the oven.
Sure. And I beet you can still take me. [He goes over to the oven and finds the waffles. Mom's awesome.]
So you got to talk to Mom. How was that?
She's sooooooo cool, Sam. [He can't hide that little kid giddiness. He's just not that good yet or that broken.]
Yeah, she is. It's nice, right? To get to hang out with her like this.
[He digs into his waffles with satisfaction.]
Hey, Dean. I'm probably too young to know it, but... you're doing a really good job. You know. Taking care of me.
So you grow up into a giant girl. Dr Spock doesn't have crap on me.
[Seeing him like this reminds Sam just how amazing Dean is. And no matter how annoying his hovering may have been, no matter how often he forgets it, and wants to tell him he's not a kid anymore... this kid deserves to know it.]
But you know, aside from the girl thing, I turn out okay. And obviously [He gestures to himself] I got fed pretty well.
I keep telling people that Funyuns are a vegetable. [Honestly, it's a small miracle they both survived.]
So what are you gonna do today? You've got Mom and you don't have Sammy to take care of.
Build forts with legos. You wanna play war with me? [He realizes Sam is technically too old to do this but figures he might anyway.]
Yeah, that'd be fun. [He can't get over how young and trusting Dean is. How innocent, in a way, only it reminds him how he never really got to be.]
Then maybe Mom will make sugar cookies.
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