43rd Hunt [Voice] My Shangri-La beneath the summer moon, I will return again

Oct 11, 2010 13:28

I thought it was the best day when it rained cake. I was so friggin' wrong. This is the best day ever.

Justin, Beckett, gonna be later than usual. Two words. Beer. Shower.

Cas, this is for you. You gotta work on that.

I'd just like to clear a couple of things up. Anyone that thought I was whining and bitching about my life on envy day? Shut the hell up. I was pissed because Sam didn't have the sort of life he ought to have.

Sam, wanna grab a couple of beers from the tap later and hang out?

[Private to Anna || Hackable]

Beer shower at 'our' place?

dean loves beer, dean is a big brother, dean is cursed, dean is sort of a dad, dean is a dick, dean is a cop, dean is sort of a mom

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