Feb 03, 2007 19:12
Things you should know(Stacey's truths)
life is good.
these past few months have been the best i've ever had.
exes are psycho-paths. learn to let go.
life is better than good. life is wonderful.
plain&&simple. ♥
i need to write something.
i've written many things.
i love surprises.
i love roses.
i love smiling.
my friends make me smile constantly.
maybe i've lost a few friends; they've decided to go out yelling and screaming and telling me they hate me. well. if they feel that way then i don't need them as friends.
because i already have an amazing group of friends.
i'm excited about winter formal.
and have been excessively girly lately.
and i love it.
acoustic guitar=love.
i have a boy who sings to me.
&&is the sweetest boy i've ever met.
&&i love our randomness.
&& how long it took to get things figured out.
but it makes for one hell of a story.
i love our random trips to target and the market and our random meals.
&&wandering through the mall and around just everywhere.
&&i love driving around randomly with kerina.
&&how her parents have no idea what goes on in her life.
i miss jen. terribly.
i don't party.
or drink.
or smoke.
or do stupid shit like that.
&&i'm still happy.
i don't need it.
my sister is obsessive. i love her.
i've been hurt in the past.
but i'm okay.
i laugh at stupid things.
i procrastinate.
i can get upset or jealous fairly easily.
i don't like it, but i do. but i've gotten better.
hands down by dashboard confessional is my favorite song ever.
i couldn't tell you quite why, but everytime i hear it i fall in love with it.
i'm on top of the world
like that.
i'm cheap. i hate spending money, but i love buying things.
it's a sad predicament, really.
i'm addicted to texting.
and coffee.
but i like tea better.
people constantly get on my nerves.
but just the stupid ones.
i care about animals far more than the human race.
simply because humans kill animals mercilessly.
because they need the trees and rainforest land more than animals do.
the only hip-hop music i tolerate is justin timberlake
because he's an idiot and it entertains me.
i haven't found that one thing i'm wonderful at, but a lot of things i'm good at.
that slightly upsets me, but only sometimes.
i hate bigheaded bastards that have a problem with gays and/or gay marriage.
it's love.
don't tell me there's something wrong with him/her.
open your eyes and stop being blind.
i'm excited about being eighteen.
i don't have a job.
&&i'm scared of going far away for college.
maybe i'll go to csun.
&&maybe, just maybe i'll be ready to transfer in a few years.
i feel like i'm constantly cleaning my room but it never gets much cleaner.
i still need to repaint it.
i disgaree with many things in the catholic church.
i'm not sure if i believe in god.
at least in terms of the church.
because i don't understand him.
either that, or he's bipolar.
but certainly not consistent.
maybe someday something will strengthen my faith.
and then again maybe not.
i don't quite know where my life's going, but i'm okay with that.
i like where i am right now.
maybe i want to be remembered for something.
something great.
but i'm pretty sure that won't happen.
but i don't mind.
as long as i leave an imprint on somebody else.
that's enough for me.
i want to find this entry someday, read it, and laugh at myself for being silly.
or maybe not.
if you think you're oh-so-tough you're probably not.
so don't try to insult me.
if you give me shit i'll give it right back.
i'm done being a push-over.
i'll always be me.
&&i'll always have my problems.
but i can accept most of them.
&&the rest of them i can work towards fixing.
i go off on these little rants every once and awhile.
i don't know why.
and it wasn't intended to say so much.
the only thing i originally wanted to say is that;
i'm happy.
life is wonderful.
&& if you're reading this, I probably love you.
&& if I don't I would certainly like to.