aw HELL naw MANE. See i aint wanna get BACK into this bullshit but I guess the fuQ i have too since hoes still dun want to sdfu about old shit.
1st off: Bish, I DID NOT fuggin call you today or EVER since the night i called u a hoe. ASHLEY took it upon herself to call yo stupid azz THIS MORNIN and later today because Somebody been callin my phone playin dumbazz SILENCE games n she swore she heard YO azz laughin so SHE called you, NOT me. ASK her b4 u make idiotic azz assumptions. I SAID i was done makin ANY kinda contact with yo azz, n i meant it.
2nd: Bish I aint need u for SHYT lol u swear u introduced me to all yo "friends" but bish u aint did shyt i was just WITH u when YOU met up with the muhfuQas, they we're neva MY ppl. n ON TOP OF THAT i aint give HALF a fuQ about em kuz they were busy tryna fUcK u low key!! lmao I mean cmon now. N IONO WHY df u keep insistin I meet everybody off the net?! I mean wtf that's YOU!..YOU da one advertisin all yo numbers n shyt lmao n goin "Searchin" lol i mean lets Be real here. YOU obviously dunno SHYT about ME since im da one who got over on YO dumbazz lol remember when i said "You can't B slicK like me" bish I dont get caught up wit shit.
3rd: I AM da muhfuggin victim shit! LOL i mean wtf, bish i was with u for 6mos, u cheated pretty much the whole way through n Ion giveah fucK if u say you AInt "fucked" nobody kuz bish u DID n even if u didn't u was still doin or sayin shyt u shouldn't have been fucKin sayin when ur in a gohdamn relationship! I find that shyt hoeish therefore bish I will call u a hoe when i muthafuggin plz. YOU wanted to throw a mothafucKinbitch fit if i even LOOKED @ a bish but u up here typin all this "if i aint married i will flirt" shit. Bish plz tell that to yo Next nigga. Now as far as YOU tellin PPL im the one that cheated on YOU, das str8 bullshit..YES bish when u Did decide to play yo disappearin acts to B a sidebar hoe...there was sumone to fill your position but not in no sexual manner...I mean damn i let u do a lot of shyt but that dont mean I stayed to muhself. Never that. take it how u want. n i DARE u to tell me im lien about the shyt, TRY puttin that shyt on yo Daddy Tasha. If im so Damn wrong why dont u come @ me like a Real Female n Speak on the shit. You know Im speakin nothin BUT truth. i will SHOW you.. hell, i will even READ to u wtf was said bish. IF IM LIEN then the bish U been FucKin was Lien...chances of that are slim 2 none because she has no reason to, h0e. I WAS FAITHFUL BISH!! let that lie go.
4th: You are a fuggin psycho bish fa real. I mean i dunno why u need yo posse to do all this shyt for u. THat's whas wrong with u bitches nowadays..females dunno when to stay df outta shyt that they have nothin to do with! YOU did ME dirty hoe so I will call u whatever df I plz on my own time. IF YOU go out of your way to hear it or read it then das on you. Dun act like u aint disrespect me bish, YOU DID THAT when u opened ya muhfucKin legs. N DONT MAKE ME GET INTO DETAIL kuz the bish you did it with pretty much told the whole damn biography from A to Z i have it in bold print bish need i say more?! It aint like Im callin u all this shyt for the hell of it. If that were the case I woulda did it each of the 6000000 timez we broke up b4.
5th: bish get over it, u bought it..ima wear it!! LOL..N da bishes love it might i add. itz Real nice on me. N ion giveah fuQ about yur threats but it gets real OLD n tired when u have hoes callin for my address n shit lol i mean wtf...YO mouth was big enuff to give up da chirp number..da shyt is big ENOUGH to give up my location. Stop wit all the nonsense.i am OVER you i mean damn a nigga cant even take a SHIT without hearin sum cKrap about you and yo "crew" tryna kill sumbody. And MothafuQ a party..You saw me..AInt shyt happen, das how df it should B. Just sdfu..look forward..n stay to yo Group. Das how it went that night, n das how it should remain. DO you n I will Keep Doin Me. Keep it pushin to da next..pimp on Baby! lol
shid aint NOBODY on this bish tryna B hard BUT YOU, u are a living, breathing, contradiction! ALL you do on this shyt is talk shyt n try to manipulate ppl lol You are a vindictive azz bish n I dont blame u kuz that's wtf a scorpio is. It aint yo fault tasha..just give it up dude. If sum shyt gonna happen to me..let it fucKin happen..quit talkin about it, fa real..its gettin tired. oh n WHAT THE FUQ u talkin about? Bish aint NOBODY came 2 my house OR where I was WTF would B the purpose of me comin outside?! FOR THE POSTMAN?! cmon now. I fear No bish, & trust no Hoe. You fear da truth, period. "conversation ended"
But on a DumBer Note lol...I want 2 introduce ya'll 2 tha new Dance
itz Called da SprinkLer Lmao..dun try to figa it out, when u see me in da club, ask about it lol i will take a ReQuest. Now az far as the storii Behind the pictureZ...i am a gohdamn foo! I thought u knew LoL I do wtf i plz n sometimes i just have dumbazz outburst..where i need to be a dumbazz to get away from other nonsense. n Yes that is a Mardi gra Mask but i did not go 2 it. Mkuhy that is all.