Nov 03, 2004 19:20
Well, i was grounded because my math teacher phoned because i wasnt doing homework, which is worth 20% of the ENTIRE course. Well, in good news, im ungrounded, and I already have an idea of what i want for christmas. I'm going to make a two page list (dont worry it's not because im greedy). Page one, whatever gifts i want. Page 2, an alternative for my parents. An Xbox and the all shiny new uber game, Halo 2. (released November 9th. buy it![im not advertising...]) I'm going to write on page two those two things and "If you buy me this, no other gifts are necesary!" anyways, I dont want to bore you with the first post I've had in a while, so, post later. BTW, i heard Bush won (thats right, i was watching american politics.). I was hoping that Kerry guy would win, but hey, whatcha gonna do. post later pplz.