Nov 28, 2005 19:47
Hey Everyone, I dont usually do this.. and i try not to make posts unless its desparate and/or i feel strongly about the subject, but i could use some help. I am taking a social psych lab and am looking at college students and alcohol.. i would like ppl to participate in my survey dont worry if you are not twenty one its all anonymous! you can post a comment (which is set to be screened so no one else can see :)) anonymously so i wont even have your lj name :) thanks so much in advanced. i do not know how to link the survey so I am just copying and pasting it feel free to do the same.
"Please understand that this is an anonymous survey. No one will be contacting you further and your personal information will not be given out. Do not feel obligated to answer any questions that make you feel uncomfortable. Please fill in your answer after the question:
1. On average, how many nights a week do you engage in the consumption of alcohol?_________________
2. On average, what type(s) of alcohol do you drink?
Please circle all that apply
mixed drinks
shots of liquor
3. On average, how many drinks of each beverage do you consume in one night?
Beer __________________ Wine __________________ Mixed drinks _____________ Shots of liquor ____________ Other __________________
4. Where do you most often consume alcohol? Please circle all that apply
in your home
in a friends home
a bar/club
restaurant with dinner
5. How many nights a week are you intoxicated (drunk) from drinking alcohol?_______________
6. On average, how many nights per month do you black out (ie- you cannot remember periods of time that occurred during your drinking) due to alcohol consumption? ____________________
7. When you do drink, is it more often in a social or private setting?_________________
8. Do you most often drink alcohol alone or with at least one other person?____________
Year at Northeastern: 1 2 3 4 5
Residence: on campus off campus
Age:_________ (no legal bearing, for our use only!)
Sex: male female
thanks so much