Jan 12, 2006 16:57
-Winter break was good. Relaxing for the most part. Got to see lots of family from NY/NC/FLA. Good times. Mike brought me to the city to see a Broadway show - Avenue Q. It was really funny. Saw lots of movies both rented and in the theater. King Kong and Chronicles of Narnia were both really good. Hostel was way overrated. I actually thought it was pretty terrible. And I don't think that about a lot of movies. So that says something.
-Got my first 4.0 last semester... i've always come close but end up getting an A- in one class. I am happy I finally accomplished the 4.0 at least this once. Yay for me.
-Back at school now. Classes started yesterday. My last semester at UNC. I have mixed feelings about that. I will miss it lots but it will also be good to be home and a step closer to being finished with school. Classes this semester seem ok for the most part. No chemistry, physics, or any labs (well I still have research but i'm not counting that) this semester which is a major plus. I have 2 bio classes: vertebrate embryology and behavioral neuroscience... both are up my alley and seem interesting but I can see behavioral neuroscience being my nightmare class for this semester seeing as how we have 6 papers to write. I also have 2 psychology classes: child psychology and cognitive psychology. I really love psych classes and always find them very interesting so I don't see these classes being a problem. My professor for child psych seems really good... could turn out to be one of the best professors i've had at UNC.
-In other news, exactly 2 months from today I will be heading to Hawaii!! I am going over my spring break with my mom, stepfather, 2 stepbrothers, their girlfriends, Mike, and Keith. I can't wait. A week in Hawaii should be amazing. I have been wanting to go there for a very long time. Yay :-)