No Homework! YAY!

Oct 14, 2004 17:27

No homework as the title may suggest, but there arent any really good shows on on thursday, wait! Drew Carey's Green screen is on on WB! 22, cable 10! yay, but anyways, things in my life arent AS crazy right now, but things are still hectic, since EVERY choice I make has a reaction at school, like me not doing one assignment might drop my grade below A or B, and then I wouldnt be able to go on the China trip, and my parents would start monitoring me EVERY SECOND, to see if I am doing my homework, I can deal with the homework, it is not hard, just tedious! And sometimes I remember what school was like in 7th and 8th grade (ahhhhh *sigh* the good old days) Of me not caring what assignment was due, since I wasnt going to turn it in anyways, and some days I just feeling like blowing off homework and taking a nap, or just writing poetry, or some trivial thing that will not benefit my life one iota, but I just to want to "Slow down, you move too fast, got to make the morning last!" O well, things are going better in the Love department of my life, my friend who is bi (Not lesbian, I checked with her on it) that I found out recently about (Which isnt some great feet, since JoJo knew since half way through last year) but I digress, I talked to her, and she said I could tell people she was bi, and that she knew I wouldnt like post it on internet chat boards, or scream it at the top of my lungs (I am not going to say her name on my journal for the very reason i promised her) And sheis having some issues having any time with her girlfriend, since the other girl's mom is (supposedly) ok with her daughter with another girl, but My friend says she treats her like she is evil or something. But anyways, My other buddy, she is SERIOUSLY falling head over heels in love with this guy, hope things go good for her. Hope rabitoy doesnt find some way to blame the water bottle thrown at the trash truck my fault, but he has somehow found a way to get me in trouble for things I am NOT EVEN ASSOCIATED WITH! Lastly, I hope this weekend the dance, the mormon dance,(Mormons and non members are GREAT to have come... that means you lauren! ;) I hope the dance is way cool, since the last one wasnt that great, but it was good fun anyways, since we have a new dj now (instead of the one who played the BAD songs) some songs the new guy plays are just not up to snuff with some of the stuff the other Dj played, but I will deal with it! talk to you later people! hope you enjoyed reading this lengthy discourse on my trials and tribulations! Peace out people!
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