Dumb classes/ does remirez even know HOW TO TEACH MATH?!

Sep 01, 2004 18:44

My dumb classes: these are classes that are boring, and I dont have like ANY friends in, and KILEY is not in them! :( Period 1:Mrs. King-She may be nice and all, but she is a bit ditzy, and didnt even know how to use the projector that was attached to her laptop, to show us a powerpoint! she is a great teacher, but since she is new, she makes lots of mistakes. Next is MR. Ramirez (I have NO IDEA how to spell his name) He is WAY BORING, I only heard him laugh when he talked to The librarian (I cant remember her name!) and then, he laughed like HA ha! and then his smile disappeared so fast, you wonder if it was there in the first place, and it takes him like 10-30 minutes to DO THE WARMUP! and when we get done with that, even though the homework is on the board, he tells us to read a page on Exponents, and you might think that since you have forgotten exponents over the summer, you should read teh page, but looking at the homework, you think (this is RAMEREZ! why would I think I EVER need to learn new things?) the homework was like write this in exponent form (2x2x2x2)
Dont people know how to do exponents? we are in integrated one from GOSH SAKES! The last of my stupid classes is Fitness (I usually like it, but with like 90% of the class being guys, and I have like 2 whole friends in the entire class, and none of the girls look good, or even TALK TO ME it is dumb) Bye bye, gotta help with dinner! talk to you people later! comment on this please!
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