dont go and give willy wonka all the credit, and some poi realted things

Jul 23, 2005 19:44

Hola Amigos, i was watching the old Gene Wilder Charlie and the Chocolate factory the other day with my brother and i noticed that Wonka says alot of things that seem like quotes. One of them was "we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams" which i felt like i had heard somewhere before, so i googled it and found this---


we are the music makers
and we are the dreamers of dreams
wandering by lone sea breakers
and sitting by desolate streams
world losers and world forsakers
on whom the pale moon gleams
yet we are the movers and shakers
of the world for ever, it seems

with wonderful deathless ditties
we build up the world's great cities
and out of a fabulous story
we fashion an empire's glory
one man with a dream, at pleasure
shall go forth and conqure a crown
and three with a new song's measure
can trample and empire down

we, in the ages lying
in the buried past of the earth
built Nineveh with our singing
and Babel itself with our mirth
and o'erthrew them with prophesying
to the old of the new world's worth
for each age is a dream that is dying
or one that is coming to birth

----- Arthur O'Shaughnessy

pretty cool, eh, oh and i also read that the guy who played Charlie in the original movie is now a large animal vetinarian, interesting

Also, to any one who is interested Wally and I will be starting our poi club at the begining of the next school year, we are not sure when we are going to met yet, but if you do poi or would like to learn how you are welcome, we will probaly also include staff, juggiling, and any other circus type arts we can find someone to teach, so spread the word. We are also trying to come up with a logo for the club, and a good name, so any suggestion's you may have would be very much appreciated. I would also like to have at least one more fire night before school starts. Anyways, peace, fire and happy spinning---wilis
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