Feb 28, 2005 22:27
So, I am sitting here at my desk and typing this out, knowing that I should be reading about Conceptual Foundations of Sociology and some religious garble by Emile Durkheim. Well, obviously, that isn’t working out to well, and I’m going to blame this (once again) new-fangled journal junk.
Why is this so addicting? There’s only a select few... I mean... a select TWO that actually read it. CURSES! This just makes my “Things that Distract Andrew from Schoolwork” list one more item longer.
The other thing that keeps me distracted is having a roommate that is always doing something. He’s never just sitting down, being quiet. It’s always up, down, up, down... music is on so loud, he’s playing loud (and crappy) video games, watching crappy movies... Can’t you see I’m (supposed to be) reading!
So, I set the school book aside, and take a break. I check this thing constantly now... I don’t know what for. Please tell me this is just a phase, and the early addiction goes away after the initial “cool-factor...”
On another note, I have another English paper due on Wednesday. That’s right, I had one due on Monday, and we started another while we were working on that one, and then we started another today, and now I’ve got three 5-8 page papers that I’m trying to crank out, all while reading Heart of Darkness for my term project. (Which, by the way, is 10-20 pages and we must be “prepared to take it to a copy shop to have it professionally bound).
That, and the fact that I have no clue if I am going the right direction with my major. I don’t know if I even care about that anymore, I just want to get out, and make the money dangit. I’m tired of being in the “education and learning” process.
Not to mention that two of my classes have only two tests in them. My ENTIRE grade (and tuition / fees) is weighted on two grades. That makes me angry and scared.